No one hurts my women!

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Doms point of view

I pulled up besides Rhodes. What does this asshole want?

He came over and got in the car. This smug Ass bitch!

I just looked straight ahead.

"Quite a show," he said. God I wish I could punch him in his red ass clown looking face.

Emily's point of view

The good news is we got the chip for the nukes but the bad thing is we have company.

"Alright team this is the plan there is a sea lock at the opening of the bay, we get their first and close it we can stop the submarine from escaping into open water, and disappearing forever," dad said over the walkie talkie.

"I've got the location it's ten miles south west", Ramsey said.

Ten miles?! What the hell! That's going to take forever especially with these idiots on our asses!

"Ten miles?! Like I make it ten seconds!", Steve said over the walkie talkie.

And now we're we're literally on ice. On fucking Ice man!!!!

And we were getting shot at too!

Roman was swerving. I chuckled I guess he forgot his snow tires.

"What's the matter Roman forget your snow tires?", tej said making fun of Roman over the walkie talkie.

I smiled "loving that Lambo now?", I said through the walkie talkie.

"Why are they shooting at me?", Roman yelled through the walkie talkie.

Cause he's the only one in a orange Lamborghini.

"Maybe because your in a orange Lamborghini? I don't know," tej said.

I just shook my head. We're all going to die.

"Shut up tej!", Roman yelled through the walkie talkie.

I rolled my eyes they never stop do they?

Doms point of view
I stared straight ahead looking at the ice. I put my hand on the stick to put it in gear.

"Dom do you really want to put that car in gear?", cipher asked me.

Rhodes pointed the gun at me.

"Do you?", he asked me. I took my hand off the stick. "I didn't think so," cipher said.

"I should have taken care of this a long time ago, Rhodes take his team out", cipher said. My eyes widened oh hell no!!

I looked at Rhodes. "I'm on it," he said.

He got out of the car.

Emily's point of view

They were still shooting at us!

"Roman get in front of me!", tej said.

Roman got in front of tej.

And now tej was shooting at them. Hell yea!

It destroyed most of them.

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