Why dom????!!!!!

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Emily's point of view Mr. nobody came and told us to go back to his base we're working for him again I just sat at the table not saying anything I had a hand on my stomach then I saw my dad with mr. Nobody they came in "hey listen guys thanks whoa whoa handcuffs what is this". Mr. Nobody said. "It's called the abuse of power". Roman said. "You told me to round them up". The kid said. "I told you...hand...cut them lose oh man this is embarrassing I'm sorry guys what do I have". Mr. Nobody said. I was using my bobby pin to get my hands out of the hand cuffs I brought the hand cuffs up "this is how you treat old friends". I said annoyed. "Friends we don't even really know who the hell this guy is". Roman said. "It doesn't matter who I am as in like a nobody ok". Mr. Nobody said. "Nobody then who is he". Tej asking. "Him he's nothing he's like less then me". Mr. Nobody said. Well I'm just going to call him Steve instead of nobody jr. "clearly we're getting no where with nobody". Roman said. "I've been here for for hours my ribs are sore I don't know about y'all but I'm out of here". Roman said. "I wouldn't recommend that". Steve said. "What?". Roman said. "Well thanks to your past Berlin job you'll all made the Interpols top ten most wanted list". Mr. Nobody said. "Top ten". Roman said. "Uh huh". Mr. Nobody said. "That's all right". Roman said. "Well not you roman". Mr. Nobody said. "What do you mean". Roman said. "Well you just missed the cut your number 11 so". Mr. Nobody said. "I missed it". Roman said. "Yeah". Mr. Nobody said. "That's impossible". Roman said. "What number did they come in on". Roman said pointing to us. "Six (pointing to dad) eight (pointing to tej) nine (pointing to me) ten (pointing to Ramsey)". Steve said. "She's ten that's impossible theirs no way she's a ten". Roman said. "Oh she's definitely a ten". Tej said. I rolled my eyes. "How about we focus on someone who were not going to find on anyone list we were waiting hard confirmation but I believe that's the cyber terrorist known as Cipher". Mr. Nobody said. "Wait no Cipher an organisation not a person". Ramsey said. "Not according to our sources". Steve said. "What does she want". I said. "No one knows". Ramsey said. "Cipher is like a digital active god they she can manipulate world systems under shadows anything that can be hacked". Ramsey said. "And here's the kicker you will never find her linked to any other her digital identity is scrubbed every few seconds worldwide". Steve said. "So basically she's the boogeyman". Tej said "yeah she is one of the hottest boogeyman I have ever seen I mean if y'all know her tell her to get at your boy". Roman said. "What are you 12". Steve said to Roman said. "That was my Shin". Roman said. "People are scared of the hacker group anonymous but even anonymous won't mess with her". Ramsey said. "What does this have to do with us". I said. "Probably nothing Emily But I do find it interesting apparently for some reason she's now working with this guy". Mr. Nobody said. Then a picture of Dom came on the screen oh hell no I felt my body grow cold that bitch thinks she can take my man oh hell no I looked away and looked at my dad "he's already delivered a fully operational EMP into her hands detonate that they can turn any city in the world into a war zone". Steve said. "So what are you suggesting". Tej said. "Maybe we find Dom well first catch him and then figure whys he's turned". Mr. Nobody said. "So you want us to track down Dom". Roman said. "And I know Roman I know it's a big job". Mr. Nobody said. "It's impossible". Roman said. "Which is why I'm bringing in a extra pair of hands". Mr. Nobody said. I heard the door buzz then I saw him oh hell no not shaw he tried to kill me. "Ah my day just got a whole hell lot better Mr. Nobody do you want to tell me why you just put me in a room with this tin crumpled tin criminal son a of bitch". Dad said. "You got a big mouth for a small head coming from prisoner 6753". Shaw said. "Don't think we we've forgotten everything you've done". I said. "Were not teaming up with this guy". Tej said. "Let's just get one thing clear I ain't on your team I don't care about you your crew your little family I'm here for cipher". Shaw said. "You here to apply for a job asshole". Dad said. "You don't think that tight t-shirt is cutting off the circulation to your brain you should get a bigger size cipher came to me first wanted me to steal nightshade for her when I said no she went to my brother". Shaw said. "Oh yea brother Owen who could forget him former hell raiser and current guest at a nasty little black site prison". Mr. Nobody said. "Cipher corrupted him left him for dead so I get a shot to take her down believe me flicks up in taking it". Shaw said. "Your taking my boot right up your ass". Dad said. "Guys guys the fastest way to get to cipher is through Toretto". Mr. Nobody said. Hey no ones going to use my husband!. "Now aside from myself theirs only two men in the world that have ever managed to track him down with any success and guess what their both standing in front of me right now like it or not you two are gonna work together you got that I'll take that as a yes". Mr. Nobody said when they didn't give him an answer. "Am I the only one seeing this". Roman said. "Oh this outta be good". Steve said. "Use gods eye we put our lives on the line running around the world trying to figure this thing out it can find anyone right use it to find Dom". Roman said. "Roman that is a great idea". Mr. Nobody said. "Hear that great idea". Roman said to Ramsey. "And no no pointing out". Roman said. "Mr. Nobody lets fire it up". Dad said. Ramsey worked gods eye I really hope we find him "got him he's in London". Tej said. "Wait we have a second match in Hong Kong". Ramsey said. "One in Seoul". Roman said. "And one in Tokyo". Tej said. "And just about every other major city on this planet". Ramsey said. "And so gods eye is where we start ciphers already created an evasion masked her location by pinging random spots all over the globe but it was a good thought Roman". Mr. Nobody said. I sighed I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see who it is it was dad "we'll get him back don't worry". He said. "But dad I have to worry he has to be here for them". I said putting his hand on my stomach. His eyes widened "I'm going to be a grandfather again". He said. I nodded My head tears in my eyes he brought me in a hug "shh it's okay we'll get him back if not I'm going to kick his ass". He said. I cried into his chest. "Wait wait simple solutions might just cut it". Tej said. I turned my head to see what they were talking about "in order for gods eye to give all these false pings means they have to be using a free relay". Tej said. "Watch these two". Mr. Nobody said. "Which means it has to be decaying sync quantanizer". Ramsey said. "Which we can reverse". Tej said. "And track it back to the originating source and find doms true location". Ramsey said. "That was my idea that's what I was saying remember". Roman said. "Alright let's try this". Mr. Nobody said. Tej and Ramsey both worked on the computer "its working". Ramsey said. "Now you wanna take your manual and start organizing for response". Dad said. "Lets get a hold of our internatio". Steve said. "Yes we've tracked his location we wanna mobilize". Steve said. "Let's get a hold of a better asshole no one respects you over". Roman said. "Get away from me". Steve told him. "Alright their not in China or Russia". Tej said. "Europes their". Ramsey said. "But this ones not going away". Ramsey said. "This is interesting". Mr. Nobody said. Steve turned around "why". He said. "Because that's here". Mr. Nobody said. Then their was a explosion the glass shattered I was thrown on the ground on my back ow I heard more explosions their was a ringing noise it hurt my ears and head everything was blurry I put a hand on my stomach I really hope the baby was okay. But everything else was hurting "did you all enjoy that next generation grenade it scrabbles your scenes don't worry it'll wear of in an hour". I heard a lady's voice. I looked up I saw it was the women from the computer the bitch that took my man oh hell nah "hello deckard nice to see you look at this Dom bodies lying in pool Dom your family's already replacing you". She said. "That's not true and you know that Dom". I said. The more I talked the more pain came to my head. "Oh yea then why's he here then If you truly cared about your husband you wouldn't be working with him". She said. "It wasn't my choice I just wanted Dom home". I said clenching my teeth in pain. "Oh for what for the little baby growing inside you". She sneered. "You know nothing!". I yelled. I screamed cause my head felt like it was being squeezed. I heard Dom shoot at the glass glass cut my arms "Dom please don't". I said. I held onto my stomach "you promised us!". I yelled. I clenched my teeth again in pain. "Smart move by putting gods eye into the mainframe irritating to make me have to come all the way to get it let's go". The lady said. "DOM your gonna turn your back on family on our baby just like that you promised that you would stay!". I yelled. The pain was getting hard to think or talk. I saw the lady put her arm around his neck if this is what I think it is don't please don't but she did she kissed him and he didn't pull away I felt tears welling up in my eyes I shakily pulled off my ring and threw it at him "your not my husband anymore". I said. "Lets go". The lady said. He looked at me I glared at him I had my hand on my stomach "go Dom follow your bitch". I sneered. He left I saw the lady push a button the ringing continued my head felt like it was getting squeezed harder and harder i screamed louder. "DOM WHY". I screamed.

Forever sequel to our love Dominic toretto love story  fate of the furious Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя