"Were going to russia baby!"

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Emily's point of view

"The problem we have with tracking cipher is there's nothing to trace then, but now we have Rhodes information," Ramsey said.

This is good really good. We'll be able to track them right, cause I'm feeling really freaking lucky on this and I want to kick someone's ass right about now.

"And we're getting snapshots of the data, before it scrubbed off the net", tej said.

"that looks like somebody's bank account, always just....", Roman said.

"The longitude, given the fact that Dom hit the Russian motorcade, safe to say it's Russia go ahead and bring it up on the map," dad said.

They brought up the map.

"Great lets start here, run the possibilities," dad said.

Tej was doing his thing. I was getting antsy but getting really sick to my stomach.

"Yalta, Poltava, looks like they just threw letters together, konyert", tej said.

"It's vladupi," I heard a voice out of nowhere. Holy shit that scared me. We all turned and saw mr. Nobody.

"What are you doing here?", Steve asked him.

Mr. Nobody came walking down the stairs.

"Thought i was going to check in on you from time to time, to see how you were doing, by the way not so hot," mr. Nobody said.

Well don't he get off his lazy ass and help us!

"But theirs nothing in vladven, it's just ice", Ramsey said.

"That's funny could've sworn there was a secret Russian naval base with the retrophilic Cold War war submarines, well technically it's not Russian anymore, base was taken over by terror grope of military separatists about a month ago. And the Russians haven't taken it back yet, so there is a little window of opportunity here," mr. Nobody said.

Sometimes I just want to punch him in the face sometimes.

"Russian submarines, nuclear football, it sounds like everything we do our legs are going to be bombed off", Roman said. And lady's and gentlemen that's coming from number 11 on the most wanted list.

"Sounds like your still a No. 11 on the list," tej said making fun of Roman.

I let a smile creep onto my face while everyone but Roman laugh.

"It's sounds like you changed since your look punk ass facial hairs and Camen", roman said.

I remember that he used to have a Afro years back. He was so cute with it too.

"Guys....guys...hey," Steve said trying to get their attention,

"we gotta call this in all the way up the chain", Steve said.

"That's good thinking champ, except...unfortunately the Russian military of defense got himself involved in a little indecent on US territory. And two governments aren't talking to each other for awhile, by the time they do it will be too late, so any other suggestions? ," Mr. nobody asked.

"Yeah I got one," dad said. What now. What does he have up his sleeve?

"How about we just stop them ourselves?", he said.

How the hell am I going to stop them? I am a pregnant lady trying not to get hurt. God I hate this!

"Your talking about a Russian military base", Steve said.

"Separatists," mr. Nobody said.

Steve looked at him, "whatever it's suicide," he said.

"It's stopping war world 3, what's it going to be rook? You going to close your eyes on this one too? Pray that the apocalypse doesn't come knocking on your mammas front door? Or are you going to saddle up and be a man and save the entire god damn world," dad said. Wow if he said that to me I would do it.

I could see Steve thinking it over okay Steve we don't have all day.

He picked up a crow bar. "
You know I think I figured it out," Steve said.

He turns to mr. Nobody. "What's that?", mr. Nobody asks him.

"Rule number three," Steve said.

"Which is?", mr. Nobody asks him.

"There are no rules," Steve said.

He breaks the glass to the cars. I smirked.

All hell yea were doing this baby!

Mr. Nobody laughed. "What did I tell you Luke? I knew he would get it in three," he said.

"Areal transport leaves in an hour take whatever vehicles you want, all bets are off". Steve said.

Both tej and Roman got up oh shit.

"All bets are off? All bets are off?", both of them said.

"See you later," mr. Nobody said in Russian.

We all grabbed our keys to the car we wanted. All hell yea! This was going to be good. And I'm dragging the son of a bitch home whether he liked it or not, he's coming home.

I put a hand on my stomach which was growing a slight bump. 

We're going to Russia baby!

And I'm going to have to put something warm on because it's going to be fucking cold out their!

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