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Doms point of view

I sat on the stupid couch. I held my hands together. I felt so much sadness,  hurt and anger. She's gone that bitch killed one of my friends. My family. In front of my kids. And I couldn't a freaking thing about it. I wanted to kill her with my bare hands.

How am I going to tell Emily. She's not going to take it easily. Neither is Hobbs.

She was his partner and now she's gone.

"Everything your feeling right now that's rage, sense of lose, it's not real, it's a survival instinct wired deep into our brains to ensure contribution of species, when early men went visit a watering hole, if they didn't watch their child, they got snatched by a crocodile, their brains would create a painful but a structural memory, so it would never happen again, this idea of family that is so core with you. That rules your's a biological lie. You don't have to except it, I don't. Did you really think you could destroy two of my teams without any repercussions? I wouldn't have even looked your way...if you haven't done that. You didn't even know had two kids, you can thank me for that. Cause we both now she wouldn't have told you, and start doing the job I'm asking you to do", she said.

She had no right to say that about Emily about my wife. She knew what she was doing and she would have told me when she was ready. This bitch needs to shut her fucking mouth before I do it for her,

"Help you start a war," I said,

"Is that what you think I want?", she asked me. No shit if you didn't want a fucking war you wouldn't have killed my friend, kidnapped my kids and tried to injure my wife.

"That's so limited, I didn't take that football to start a war anymore then I took your son and daughter to start a family, taking your son and daughter got me the codes. The codes will get me the nukes and the nukes will get me what I want today, tomorrow,and everyday after that," she said.

What is it that she wants? To take over the fucking world the worlds already going to shit.

"And what's that?", I asked her.

"Accountability," She said.

"The second I fire off one of those nukes, I put the superpowers of this world on notice that when they cross the line, I'm going to be their to hold them responsible, because the truth is Dom to the world out their I'm the crocodile at the watering hole", she said.

I didn't know what to do and I'm just going to wing it. And if everything goes to shit then I'm going to need luck on my side.

She got up and patted me on the back.

"You've got one last job to do," she said.

Oh great please god don't make Emily get hurt. I just want her back in my arms is that to hard to get?

"Cipher," I said.

I got up and walked over to her. "If I were you, I would kiss my kids, because whether you value it or not all of this, your plane, your security, and you are still on this earth because of them," I said with a smirk on my face.

I walked off. I promise you Emily I will come home with our kids and I won't come home without them. And we'll all be a family again. One big happy and safe family just watch. I love you baby. 

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