The plan

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Ben's POV
For the past few days me and Jeff have been arguing about how the wedding will be like Jeff wants a small wedding I want a big wedding he wants normal boring lights I want rainbow lights and he says rainbow lights are extra how is it extra it's a gay wedding like what does he expect I was deep in thought until Jeff started talking to me "Ben if we are gonna get married we need to agree on something" he says packing some of our stuff for our new house I'm excited that he actually agreed to living alone just the two of us maybe kids if he ever agrees on that "well it's hard if you expect a straight wedding Jeff." I say laughing a bit "I'm not expecting a straight wedding what gay person expects a straight wedding it's like a straight person saying I want my wedding to be extra gay."he says "I'm just picking on you baby" I say hugging him as he continues to pack stuff "how about this you can have your rainbow lights if it's a small wedding" he says looking at me  "hmmmmmm do I want to agree with you or do I want to keep being a butt to you" I say "Ben" Jeff says in an annoyed tone "I'm kidding it can be a small wedding" I say still hugging him "good now that stops some of the arguing who are we gonna invite" he says "hmm I mean if it's gonna be a small wedding why not just family and some friends" I say he looks me dead in the eyes and I realize " I mean maybe not like a- YOU WANT FOOD" I try to change the subject he laughs a bit and kisses my head "sure" he says "ok" I say running out of the room and into the kitchen "hey Ben" I hear eyeless jack say "how's the packing going" he asks "it's going good me and Jeff finally agreed on something" I say looking for food "that's good no more fighting" he says laughing a bit "I mean I don't know about that we still have more things to plan" I say a little annoyed of all the fighting "I honestly just want the fighting to end but once we get the wedding figured out it should stop" I continue finally finding some food "it will stop at some point" eyeless says trying to reassure me "yeah welp I'm gonna go help Jeff pack and try to figure out the wedding" I say walking out of the kitchen I walk back into mine and Jeff's room "so Jeff how about we just invite friends" I ask he looks at me and just stares "what's wrong I know you have friends boy" I hear him laugh he walks over and kisses me "sorry you're just really cute" he says making me blush then goes back to packing "well I brought some food" I say putting the food down I hear Jeff whisper something but I couldn't hear what he said "so how about the food at the wedding" I ask "why don't you pick the food" he says I get excited nobody really ever leaves things up to me
Jeff's POV
"Why don't you pick the food" I say knowing how excited he gets when he gets to pick things alone I love seeing him excited I got so distracted by Ben I didn't hear my phone going off until Ben got my attention " Jeff you're phone is ringing" I grab my phone and answer the call "hello" I say I hear nothing "hello" I say again still nothing I hang up the phone "that's weird" I say "what's weird" Ben says laying down on the bed "the call" I say laying next to him he rolls over onto me and starts cuddling me "so Jeff when are we gonna have the babies" he says "let's figure out the wedding first" I say
A/n: ok this chapter suck welp whatever

Always by your side (Ben x Jeff) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora