Love and heartbreak

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!!!!!!!!A/n: this chapter is 4 years after the last chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ben's POV
me and Jeff have been together 4 years now and it's obvious that he won't ever propose he even said it but I want to get married so the only thing to do is for me to propose this is tough because I'm terrible at keeping secrets so I have to keep my distance from Jeff oh boy let's see if I can do that I really like cuddling Jeff especially during thunderstorms because it's so relaxing and I get scared every now and then only when it's quiet for so long and then loud thunder hits but maybe there won't be a thunderstorm during the whole time I'm not with him let me just check the weather.................great there's supposed to thunderstorms like every other day just my luck welp I'll live I can cuddle eyeless jack he gives great cuddles I can also ask him how to propose correctly perfect I go to eyeless jack "hey umm jack do you mind if I sleep in your room for a few nights I just have a secret I need to hide from Jeff" I say "say no more you suck at keeping secrets so yes you can" he says "OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" I say jumping up and down I wish I was quiet because just as I finished screaming basically I hear Jeff behind me "why are you so happy" he says kissing me "umm no reason I just ummm I......GOTTA GO" I say grabbing eyeless jacks hand and running away I run into eyeless jacks room with him and lock the door "oh boy" I say panting "so what's the big secret" he says sitting down "well you know Jeff would never propose and I want to get married well I thought maybe I should propose" I say kind of quiet in fear of Jeff hearing "that sounds amazing Ben if you need help I can help" he says "thank you so much I probably won't be able to do it myself anyways" I says hugging him
~~~~~~~time skip 2 days ~~~~~~
Jeff's POV
Ben has been ignoring me for 2 whole days what the heck why did I do something wrong did I make him upset what did I do "hey Jeff" I hear someone behind me I turn around and see an unfamiliar person "who are you" I ask "that's not important I have every answer you need" he says "well answer me this who are you" I say kind of sassy he glares at me "I was talking about Ben every answer you need about Ben" he says rolling his eyes "well what about Ben do you know why he's avoiding me" I ask "Jeff ben isn't who you think he is Ben is spending so much time with eyeless jack because he's sleeping with him he's cheating on you Jeff" he stays walking away did he really say ben and eyeless jack are having sex BEHIND MY BACK!!!!! No it can't be true Ben loves me he tells me every day or at least he use to you know what that's it I'm gonna break up with him I can't be with someone who will hurt me like this "hey baby" I hear ben say perfect timing now is my chance "don't ever call me baby again" I say angry "why what's wrong" he says worried probably faking it trying to act innocent "you're cheating on me with eyeless jack how could you if you just wanted him then you should have just left me instead of hurting me like this I gave you my heart and you just throw it on the ground and stomp on it like this how could you" I say on the verge of crying "Jeff what are yo-" "NO DONT EVEN TALK TO ME WHY DONT YOU JUST GO BE WITH EYELESS BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOU WANR HIM AND NOT ME SO GO ON AND DATE HIM CALL HIM BABY" I start walking away "JEFF I DONT WANT EYELESS JACK I WANT YOU" he screams at me "well you sure act like it ignoring me for 2 whole days and just sneaking off with eyeless jack" I say about to cry if I keep talking to him "baby I only ignored you for 2 days because I'm terrible at keeping secrets and I snuck of with eyeless to get a ring" he says getting close to me "why would you need a ring?" I ask confused "well I was gonna wait but obviously if I want you I need to tell you now I needed a ring so I could propose to you because you don't want to propose and I want to be married, married to you and only you baby" he says pulling out a ring "Jeff so will you marry me" he says smiling a bit "oh my god now I feel like a dick yelling at you I'm so sorry after all that and you still want to marry me why" I ask "well because you make me happy and I didn't chase you for months to date you and be with you for 4 years to just throw it all away so what's your answer" he says "well obviously yes you idiot" i say kissing him god he's still so perfect how I yell at him call him a cheater and yet he still wants to be with me I better do everything right with him I don't want to lose him that's just bad "well thank you for actually wanting to be with me still after believing all that stuff who even told you I was cheating on you" he says wrapping his arms around me "I honestly don't know but it doesn't matter because we're gonna get married and be happy together just you and me " I said holding him tight he rest his head in my chest "so how many kids so we have" he says "one thing at a time baby one thing at a time" I say hoping to get away from the baby question
A/n: ok sorry I was away for so long I started school I tried to make this chapter as long as I could it's 1033 words I hope you liked it and sorry for 2 sad chapters in a row and the picture I made because I was bored

Always by your side (Ben x Jeff) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat