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5 more minutes, please?

I shoved a pillow over my head hoping to block out the sound of Friday's voice. Normally I don't have to wake up this early, but apparently my father wanted to have a discussion.

"My apologies, Miss Stark, but your father is very impatient," Friday said, turning the lights on in my room. "I would recommend you get up."

"Jesus, it's 5am," I complained. "I don't even go to school, so why so early?"

I rolled out of my bed, falling onto the floor. I was too tired to even walk, mainly because I spent all of last night watching YouTube videos of Captain America. I may have a slight crush on Steve Rogers, but nobody except J.A.R.V.I.S knew. And after all that 'Ultron' stuff last year, Jarvis is now Vision, so I assume Vision knows about it.

"Friday, roll me to Dad's office," I commanded, knowing very well what response I was going to get.

"I am informing you for the 1,356 time, that I cannot roll you to your father's office. You can roll yourself, or use your legs."

"Great, thanks Friday," I mumbled, slowly standing up.

I stumbled my way down to the elevator, and waited for it to arrive. Once it did, I pressed the button to take me to floor 6. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to wake me up, but I still could barely stay awake.

"Oh, there you are," my dad said, as soon as I walked out of the elevator. "I wanted to talk to you."

"At 5 in the morning?"

"Yes, because that gives me an hour to explain everything to you, an hour for you to get ready, and an hour to get to where you're going."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Is this a mission?" I asked. "Does it also happen to involve Steve?"

My dad sighed, and picked up a screw from next to him. He walked over to one of his latest inventions and started fixing it.

"Yes, this is like a mission, but it's also not." he explained. "And yes, this involves Steve. If you had spent more time watching the news, instead of watching captain america videos, you'd have figured out that Steve is now a criminal."

"What? Steve?" I sputtered. "A-and how did you know about those videos?"

"Don't forget, there's something called 'search history'. And yes, Steve is a criminal because he decided to break the law, just to save a murderer who supposed to be his friend from 100 years ago."

First of all, I was slightly embarrassed that my dad found out about the videos, but I was also slightly confused on what was going on.

"So what's the mission," I asked, "That apparently starts in 3 hours?"

My dad smiled at me, with that smirk he used only when he was planning something.

"School," he said, " Congratulations, your going into sophomore year!"


I did NOT agree to go to school.

Least of all a school called 'Midtown School of Science'.

My dad showed me some YouTube clips of a dude named Spider-man, and told me he was a teenager my age. Apparently my dad wanted to recruit this dude to help take down Steve and the rest of the 'reckless' Avengers.

Now all I had to do was go to to the school, look around at the students, find this spider-kid, and bring the information to my dad.

How hard could it be?

Senseless ↠ Peter Parkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن