Shifu loved the both us like we were his sons.

Leo and Tai Lung were both only about 3 years old. They were in the court yard of the palace, play-fighting with each other, while Shifu watched from a distance under a cherry tree. Leo, a tiny golden cub with darker spots and large ears, leapt onto Tai Lung, who was not much bigger than him, and pinned him to the ground. Tai laughed and swiped his paw swiftly across Leo's muzzle, causing the lion cub to yelp in pain and recoil back.

The little lion held his muzzle and whimpered as Shifu got up and hurried over to the two cats. Tai sat back and watched, wide eyed, wondering how he had hurt Leo with one swipe of his claws. Shifu whispered comfortingly to Leo, and invited Tai over to a nearby table. The three animals walked over and Shifu sat the two kittens down.

"You must learn to be play gentle with others, Tai." Shifu had said, "You can not hurt your brother like that." Now both of the cubs were sad; Leo because Tai had hurt him, and Tai because he was being scolded. But the red panda had already moved on. He picked up two spoons, each with some porridge in them, and held them out to the two cubs. Both of the cubs eagerly ate the food, quickly calming down.

And he raised us as such.

Still at the table, Tai reached out with his paw and felt Shifu's black whiskers on his muzzle. Shifu felt a smile tug at his lips, when suddenly the snow leopard ripped his whiskers right off of his face. Shifu gasped, feeling tears prick at his eyes at the sudden pain. Tai held the hairs in his paws, and Leo looked at them curiously. When Leo reached out with his paw to copy his brother, the red panda stopped him, instead feeding him some more porridge.

We both showed talent in Kung Fu, and Shifu became our mentor.

Leo and Tai looked curiously around the training hall. This was their first trip in the new building. Shifu, realizing how much power Tai Lung had, decided to show him the training hall in hopes of letting the tiny snow leopard use his power on someone other than his brother or Shifu. The red panda thought it would be a good idea to bring Leo along with them, as he hated being separated from his brother.

That was when Leo spotted The Adversary. The cub crawled over to it, eyeing it curiously. Tai saw his brother with the dummy and made his way over to him. The brothers, almost in sync, both attacked the dummy, their claws unsheathed. Leo swiped at the dummy, his white claws gleaming in the light, and headbutted it to his brother, who slashed the dummy with his claws and kicked at it, sending it flying towards the opposite wall.

Shifu was dumbstruck. Not only were the two cats extremely powerful, but they showed promise in Kung Fu. He walked over to them. Tai nuzzled him, purring, and Leo rubbed up against them. They were too sweet. Shifu fell into a sparring stance, and both the cubs copied his move. They weren't perfect, and they would definitely need a bit of practice, but they were destined for greatness. That much was sure.

He told us we were going to do amazing things one day.

Tai Lung lashed his tail as he stared at his brother, an arrogant smirk creasing his wide muzzle. Leo narrowed his eyes, falling into a sparring stance. They were about to spar. Shifu watched from nearby, ready to intervene if the spar grew too wild, which happened more often than not. The leopard crouched and lunged at the lion. But Leo uppercut Tai in the jaw before he could attack, and Leo reared his paw back, ready to land a sturdy punch to Tai's shoulder. But the snow leopard grabbed the lion's wrist and twisted it around, causing Leo to hiss in pain.

But it was never enough for Tai Lung.

But the lion did not give up. He leaned back and kicked out at Tai Lung, landing a hit square in the muzzle. The snow leopard recoiled back a few steps. Both of the cats circled each other, making mock lunges and hissing at each other. Shifu narrowed his eyes, ready to step in. This was usually where the spar got out of hand. 

Leo charged at Tai, and tried to knife hand the leopard in the neck. But Tai growled and dodged to the side. Tai Lung's paw flew foward, and the snow leopard slashed at the lion's neck. Leo yowled in pain and surprise and leapt backward. Four scratch marks lined his neck. Luckily there was no bleeding, and it was only a flesh wound. Shifu flew forward, scolding Tai for using his claws during a sparring session. He had told both of the brothers many times that teeth and claws are what wild animals, not Kung Fu students, use in battle.

Leo held his paw up to his neck, feeling the skin heat up around the wound. He looked at his brother, who looked surprised and confused. Tai Lung slowly approached his brother and apologized quietly. Leo hesitated. Tai Lung's golden eyes were soft. Leo accepted his apology. The two brothers always made up after a fight. That was a given.

He wanted the Dragon Scroll. But Oogway did not give any of us the scroll, and refused. Outraged, Tai Lung attacked the Valley, and it's people.

Tai Lung ran down the steps towards the village. Rage clouded his mind, and he felt a growl building up in his throat. He could not have the Dragon Scroll, and that was the one thing he had wanted for years. And it was denied from him. His lips curled in defiance and he finally made it to the bottom of the steps. The villagers greeted him cheerfully, as if nothing was wrong. As if Tai was not about to destroy everything they know and love.

The snow leopard tensed his arm muscles as he eyed the first building. With a loud roar, he charged at the building and slammed into it, causing the stone to crack and crumble. Villagers screamed in fear as the building was leveled to the ground. As Tai began to destroy more buildings, he found it easier to do so. He found the cries of the villagers to be music to his ears, and the sound of the buildings collapsing to be oddly satisfying.

He tried to take the scroll by force. The battle was draining, and Shifu was forced to destroy what he created.

The sound of the doors breaking down was deafening. The first thing Tai Lung saw was his brother. The two cats leapt at each other, fighting viciously. Shifu and Oogway, who stood near the scroll, watched in horror as the brothers fought. Tai managed to get Leo in a chokehold. Leo, not yet a mature adult, did not have his mane to protect his neck and shoulders, and struggled to break the leopard's powerful grip.

Shifu charged forward, hoping to intervene before Tai killed his brother. But as Tai Lung saw Shifu approaching, the leopard threw the lion onto the ground and leapt at his master. The red panda prepared to deliver a powerful kick that could stop an elephant.

...But how could he?

Tai Lung, sensing Shifu's hesitation, knife-handed the red panda in the hips. His bones shattered almost instantly. With no remorse, Tai Lung pushed Shifu to the ground. Shifu cried out and held his legs in pain. Tai Lung felt an evil grin crease his wide muzzle as he leapt for the scroll. It seemed nothing would stop him now.

But Oogway thought otherwise. The tortoise leapt upwards and struck Tai Lung in the chest with his long claws, effectively paralyzing him and knocking him out. The leopard landed in a heap near the three warriors.

(Fast forward to the present)

Leo lowered his head, in sadness, "Shifu loved the both of us. It was hard sending Tai Lung to prison. But, hopefully, with training, you can become the warrior we need." Leo stated to Po. He was hopeful that Po could become the Dragon Warrior soon.

"Doieeeee~" Po's face suddenly contorted in a googly-eyed, derpy, too-wide grinned face. Leo inhaled sharply and recoiled. Tigress narrowed her eyes and her tail twitched, but she did not say anything.

"Wait! My fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve!" Mantis said. Po fell forward onto the ground. Needles stuck out from his back like a porcupine. Mantis continued,

"And I may have stopped his heart."

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