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(As we count down to the start of the first movie, I am simply trying to fill in the years. I may have two more chapters that fill in the last five years before we start getting into some real stuff.)

5 years later. 5 years until Tai Lung's escape.

Leo Lung stood in the middle of the Hall of Warriors. He stood before the dragon hanging from the ceiling. The lion remained still, staring blankly ahead. His fully grown mane hanging around his neck. He wore his signature green robe with golden accents.

The door to the hall of warriors opened behind him. Heavy, slightly clumsy footsteps sounded behind him. Leo felt dread creeping up his spine, yet he did not turn around. His ears flicked and his tail twitched. He could feel a figure come up behind him. A large shadow overlapped his and he could feel the breath touch his mane. His heart pounded in his chest.

Gathering up his courage, Leo whipped around. The lion expected a large opponent, say, his brother, but who he saw was not a leopard or even a distinguishable animal. It was a creature enshrined in shadows. It was as big as him and had a slender torso with small arms. It almost resembled Leo Lung himself, except for the fact that it faded to nothing below the waist and had not tail. On the shadow creature's chest, where it's heart would be, was a grey stripe.

"Who..?" Leo could feel the words rolling off of his tongue but no sound came out.

The shadow animal sighed, almost wistfully, like it wanted to tell him something, and reached out to him with it's arm. Leo cocked his head with confusion. The shadow then floated backwards.

Leo had an urge to follow it, yet he wanted to stay in the Hall of Warriors. He felt like something would happen if he trailed the shadowy figure. So he remained put.



And with that, Leo was pulled back into reality. He was lying on his side in his cot. The lion's eyes opened and he looked around. The sun had not yet risen, it still dark in his room. The only light provided by the moon outside.

Leo swung his legs over his bed and stretched. His mouth opened in a huge yawn, and he sighed as he stretched his back. Leo stretched his arms above his head and felt his claws dig into the air.

The lion stood up from his cot and moved to his small desk, which had one drawer. Leo pulled the drawer open and he saw his golden and green robe. Donning the robe, Leo turned and strode to his door, ready to start the day.

He slid open the door and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. But when he entered, he stopped. Tigress was sitting there, her eyes half-lidded and her fur unkempt.

"Kitten? What are you doing awake so early?"

Tigress jumped suddenly, her eyes widening as she gazed at her brother, who was now standing in the doorway. Leo's eyes narrowed suspiciously, and he took a seat across from her at the table. She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she closed her mouth and flicked her tail.

"What is troubling you? Has something happened?" Leo pressed. He leaned forward, his ears pricked forward. As the silence continued, Leo jumped to conclusions- has someone been talking down to Tigress? Was someone gossiping about her? Leo felt his mane bristling at the very thought. But he forced his fur down. He did not want Tigress to see him becoming angry.

"I simply could not sleep. I tried to go to the Training Hall, but I still was not tired, so I came down here to think. But I can not sleep. Do you have any remedies?" Tigress said. Leo almost breathed a sigh of relief. It was simply a sleepless night. She was not hurting. Even though Tigress was about 21 years old or so, Leo still cared for her like she was a cub.

"Come with me. Oogway has showed me a place that can help calm me down in times of stress." Leo walked out of the kitchen, Tigress in tow. As the two cats walked outside the Palace, Tigress questioned where he was taking her.

"Do not fear. I have come here many times when I was younger. Not so much since I have returned, but I still think about it."

The two walked up a hill, and came upon what Oogway called the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. And Leo did not doubt it for a second. This tree has been standing since Oogway was a young warrior. The peaches it bore were magnificent, and his mane fluffed simply being in it's presence.

"I have heard of this place. I have always wanted to go, but I never had the time two, what with the Furious Five."

"Right." Leo said, kneeling down on his knees beside it. Tigress sat down beside him.

The two cats sat there for an hour or so and watched the sun rise. Leo inhaled deeply as the sun touched his muzzle and ears. He took a sideways gaze towards Tigress and was genuinely surprised by what he saw. The tiger was curled on her side, sleeping soundly. The sun was warming her striped fur, and her tail and paws twitched occasionally, as if she was in the dream world.

Leo was slightly surprised to see her like this. He did not think that one sleepless night would cause her to pass out like this. Has she not been sleeping for the last several nights?

The lion gently shook the tiger awake. Tigress yowled and leapt to her four paws, her tail lashing. Leo did not recoil. Instead, he pressed for answers,

"Have you been getting enough sleep these last few nights?" He said in a stern, yet gentle, voice. Tigress looked ashamed of herself. She gathered herself and sat on her rump. Her ears flattened lightly against her head and her tail curled.

"I have been scared these last few days. I had a nightmare several nights ago where Tai Lung returned and he...he killed the rest of the Five. Then he killed you and Shifu. He then scolded me for not being strong enough. He told me I failed to protect everyone I know and love. Then he killed me and I woke up. Every time I close my eyes I see it. I fear that if I go back to sleep, it will happen again.

I'm sorry, Leo. I know it is completely stupid to get worked up over something like this. I wanted to tell Shifu, but I feared that he would yell at me for worrying about a a simple dream."

Leo was silent. He had not dreamed of Tai Lung in at least a year, and even that dream was not so bad. His mane seemed to sag around his neck, and he felt sadness for Tigress. She has been suffering, and she never told anyone.

"I understand that can be hard for you. But I want you to listen to these words I have to say. I know how it feels to be haunted by actions and people of the past. I felt horrible guilt after Tai Lung went to prison. Somehow I had convinced myself that it was my fault. I had run away from home with the intention of going to see him, but now that I think about it, I believe I was running away from the guilt and sadness that burdened me.

But listen here. We can not alter the past. We can not run away from it. But we can change how we feel about it. Tai Lung is not in our lives anymore. We must not let him take a hold of our minds. Sure, he will appear in dreams when we are vulnerable, but never let him make you lose sight of what is truly important. You have friends and family here who care about you."

"Wow!" A new voice said from behind the two cats, "That was really deep!"

Both Tigress and Leo turned to see who it was. The rest of the Furious Five were gathered behind them at the base of the clearing. Crane was covering his beak and Viper had shushed him, but they were already spotted.

Leo chuckled, "Alright. Tigress, how about you sleep today? I will tell Shifu you are in no state to train today."

"Thank you, Leo. I appreciate it." The tiger smiled.

As the Furious Five and Leo Lung reached the Jade Palace, Tigress made a beeline for her room. She left Leo to explain to Shifu why she would sleep the day away. As soon as the tiger slid the door to her room open she felt sleep tug at her.

But, before she fell onto her cot, Tigress combed her fur down so her fur looked clean and she wiped herself down with a rag. She felt better already now that she had groomed herself. Then, without further hesitation, the tiger crawled into her bed and pulled the single cover up to her neck.

It did not take long for Tigress to fall asleep. When she did fall asleep, her dreams were not haunted by a certain snow leopard. And she had her big brother to thank for it.

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