The dragon...

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After getting in the cage we we're pushed towards a stable looking area, exempt that instead of being made of wood it was made of metal and mesh wire. We're led to a large opening where several types of weres and hybrids are, from were-foxes to I think I saw a were-cheetah. He opens the cage and walks over to the opening, grabbing our scruffs and throwing us out.
"YOU WERNT SUPPOSED TO FUCKING KILL THE LEOPARD YOU DUMBASSES!" He roars making our ears pin down and tails to shoot in between our legs.
"S-s-sorry Alpha." I whimper. Jasper whines and looks down. Tanner throws us into the enclosure and leaves. I whine and look around, so many creatures are staring from the bushes. I look up trying to find a ledge or something.
"Jasper up there come on!" I say and fly into the air straight to the ledge seven feet in the air and immediately yelp realizing it's occupied. A large horse bird thing blinks back at me and chirps quietly. I fly backwards, a bit scared of it.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"My names Tyger, I'm a griffin." He says his voice a bit husky.
"Do you like... rule this place or some shit?"
"Yeah and right now your in my nest so get the fuck out." He growls.
"Wait! But can I please stay up here with my brother it's scary down there I won't bother you..." I ask and lower my head looking to the side showing submission.
"Shift into a human winged one." He says and shifts into a pretty well built boy about sixteen. I shift and he walks towards me slowly and shoves me off the ledge I yell out and jasper swoops down and catches me and growls at the griffin.
"You mother fucker... that could've killed him!" Jasper yells mad. Tyger rolls his eyes.
"That's the whole point." He says bored.
"Come on Jay let's find somewhere else to lay down..." I whisper and wrap my arms around his neck as he flies up. He takes us to a massive tree that's cut half way through making a great spot to just rest, with plenty of room to walk around. I jump off and walk around trying to see if I can find shelter at the top of this. Suddenly it's silent the noises of all the were creatures disappear. The air is tense.
"ALL RIGHT YOU FUCKERS WHO ATE MY DEER!" A loud pissed voice screams. I look up and look around. There in the sky, is a giant pitch black dragon.
"Jasper... look... dragon." I whimper. I shift into my wolf and curl up into a ball with my wings covering me, Jaspers above me protecting me. The dragon is to big and apparently doesn't realize were here and lands on the tree causing it to sway from its weight.
"I WILL ASK ONE LAST TIME! WHO ATE MY DEER! I WILL SET THIS PLACE ABLAZE IF NOBODY CONFESSES!!" He screams. The dragon takes a step forward stepping on my wing causing me to scream in pain as his claws cut some feathers off. His head shoots down surprised.
"Who the fuck are you?! Did you eat my deer?!"
"N-n-no si-sir. Ma-may I a-ask you to get o-off my wi-wing p-pl-please?" I stutter scared." He lifts his clawed paw and I scramble away and get in front of the dragon and lower my head, Jaspers in between me and the beast snarling at it.
"Oh shut up mutt!" He snarls, vibrating my lungs. I whine and play puppy(lays on back and exposes stomach and throat showing that the other party is alpha).
"Jay stop! We're to young to die!" I whimper. Jay licks my neck causing me to shiver. "Jay Im scared..." I whimper and he growls one last time and stares the dragon down.
"You think that you can beat me you puny mutt?!" It roars, Jay flinches and covers me with his wing.
"What's going o-on what is th-this place?" I whine.
"This is alpha Tanners beast pen..." He growls obviously frustrated by the word beast. "Once your in you never get out... Well unless he let's you go for a fly or run..." Ash says puffing  out his chest with pride. "I'm his favorite dragon."
"You mean he has more then one?" Jay asks.
"Yeah he has eight other dragons I'm the biggest tho so don't worry." He says and  shifts into a young adult.
"So how'd you guys end up here?"
"They flushed us out of our home by removing the prey then I took off to avoid a bite from another wolf. They shot me with a net cannon. Thought I was a fucking girl..." I growl not happy bout the last part.
"Soooo they kidnapped you pretty much?"
"Ya!!! Those fuckers don't realize I'm a fucking alpha!" I yell even causin the dragon shifter to step back.
"Sorry." I say lowering my head.
"Ts'okay." He mumbles. "So y'all hungry?"
"YES!" I yell and he chuckles." What's for breakfast?"
"Each other It's every man for himself."
"Wait... WHAT?!" I yell, he laughs again.
"Nah bro in a couple minutes 'master' is gonna release deer and rabbits, only those who can hunt survive, then again if your desperate enough then yes you can eat others." He says and scratches his nape.
"Damn okay..." I mumble a little uncomfortable.
"Ts'okay I'm not gonna take a chunk out of ya." Ash says biting the air dramatically, I laugh causing jay to get a little jealous. He grabs my snout.
"Go to the fucking ground NOW!" He snarls in his alpha voice, I whimper and fly to the ground a little disappointed. Suddenly everyone's screaming and the doors open releasing around a hundred animals, it's a feeding frenzy... And I'm stuck in the middle of it...

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