The test

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"Wh-what? B-but my family!" I whine and scratch my shoulder.
"We are tracking them right now... we might not find them."
"No... leave them... please. I'll give you what you want just let them stay wild." I sigh my voice laced with anxiety. He takes out a rectangular device and holds it to his ear.
"Call off the search... He's  gonna cooperate. Roger that." He taps it and puts it away.
"I-i-I'm... I want to fly please..." I whimper and I see his eyes soften.
"I'm gonna put a chain on you so you don't leave." He says and pulls out a chain link collar from the back of his truck. He slips it around my neck much to my protests.
"It'll shock you when it's time to come home. If you don't another shock.With the second shock it'll knock you unconscious and you will be punished when retrieved." I yawn while nodding. "Go on!" He yells and I flap my wings, taking to the skies, I look at the area that I'm in.

 "Go on!" He yells and I flap my wings, taking to the skies, I look at the area that I'm in

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I physically gasp seeing how beautiful the forest and rivers are to the north.

I physically gasp seeing how beautiful the forest and rivers are to the north

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"Woah..." It's so pretty! *ZAP* I falter almost falling out of the sky. Ugh fine. I give out a sharp howl and turn around on the way back I scan the ground for escape routes. I'm smart enough to know that they'll look for me escaping in the air. I fold my wings diving to the ground leveling my wings out at the last second landing right in front of Tanner.
"Good boy!" He says and rubs my chin. I snarl and shake my head at him.
"Don't touch me!" I snarl in my alphas voice. He pauses.
"Come." He says and I growl.
"NOW!" He roars, I yelp and follow him to a arena like area, there's a metal cage

"NOW!" He roars, I yelp and follow him to a arena like area, there's a metal cage

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"Go in." He says and I growl at him but walk in folding my wings. He closes and locks the cage, picking me up he carries me to the edge of the container and sets me down, on the other side of the arena a door opens showing a large winged leopard on a thick chain. It roars, shaking its mane in anger, hissing right at me.I whimper and shake the box.
"Fight this... If you win you'll get food care and sleep." He says and opens the door shocking me with the collar. Yelping, I walk out towards the beast. I need back up for this, I howl my heart out calling for my brother telling him to hide Larra and come ASAP, a moment later I hear a answering howl. The leopard screams and charges, it's wings pinned straight back. I whine and cover my eyes with my wings. Suddenly, right before I would've been cat food there's a angry bark, a yowl, pressure on my back. I move my wings and see my brother, snarling, staring down my competition.
"You good Kyden?" He asks looking over and licking my face.
"Yeah ready to take that thing down?"
"HOLD IT HOLD IT!!!" A voice roars and I look over seeing the guy that was teasing me before with guns pointed at our heads. "THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!" He screams. The alpha silenced him and waves at us to continue. I smirk and lower my head, baring my teeth.
"Get it." That single command makes my brother charge the leopard with me right behind him. I launch at the same time as Jasper, landing on the leopard, biting, clawing, and flapping our wings(to disorientate the beast). Finally a whistle is blown for us to stop, but of course, were caught up in battle lust and keep fighting, I bite down hard on the beasts throat shaking violently, the leopard falls to the ground and stutters then dies. I shake my head then growl at the leopard .
"BITCH THAT WAS MY CHAMPION!" The guy that was teasing me screams and I snarl at him.
"Fucking bitch!" He growls and shifts into his wolf. A copper colored red wolf. He jumps into the arena and charges me. I snarl at him, bristle up, and my brother backs me up. The angry wolf jumps on me causing me to yelp loudly and whine. Jasper grabs him and begins to fly up with him in his mouth.
"No! Not with out you!" He yells and drops him into the stands and comes back to me licking and rubbing my chest.
"So your staying with me?"
"For life lil bro." He says and puts his wing around me like a shield.
"YOU RUNTS COME HERE!" Alpha yells at us. I whine and crawl over to the wall by him. "Go to your cage! Get your brother in too!" He says pissed.

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