Tell me that you love me

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"Jay." I yell.
"Not right now bro."
"I SAID NOT RIGHT NOW! Now listen... bitch don't be... with... mate... hear me!" I hear chopped bits of him talking to the dragon.
"JAY HELP!" I yell as multiple bucks gain interest in me. Jay immediately swoops down and picks me up taking me back to the tree. He whines and licks me.
"You okay bro?" He asks lowering his head." Sorry I snapped."
"It's Ok Jasper just control yourself." I say and lay down next to him. The dragon, Ash, jumps down suddenly and grabs three deer killing them instantly and drops them in a pile.
"Dig in guys." He says and flies up hovering. "I'm gonna take care of you if you need help just howl and I'll fly to you ASAP."
"Thank you Ash." I say and walk over to the pile of deer finding a young one. I drag it to the edge wanting it to myself. I bend down to start eating when I hear wings flapping, looking around I see Tyger.
"Hey Tyger."
"That's my deer." He growls.
"Uhhh no it's mine."
"Give me the deer."
"No go get your own." I snarl getting a little pissed. Tyger lunges at me and attacks me, his eagle talons digging into my ribs.
"Jay!!" I yell and look at him. He's snarling viciously, you could see every tooth in his mouth. Tyger puts one of his taloned paws on my throat constricting my windpipe.
"You*gasp* better pray that the drag*gag* dragon gets to you*choke* before jay does." I wheeze and Tyger looks at me confused before having my brother plow into him letting me breathe.
"DON'T FUCK WITH MY BROTHER YOU BASTARD UNLESS YOU WANNA DEAL WITH-!" Jay yelps loudly and drops. His throats been slit... he's not breathing. Immediately I howl and run to him Tyger gets off him and grabs the deer flying about ten feet before Ash drops from the sky slamming him into the ground, they wrestle for a few moments before the death cry of Tyger is heard. Ash begins purring.
"JAY! No! Jay please! Don't leave me! Ja-jasper! Please!" I beg shifting into my person and petting his fur. "J-ja-." I can't even speak so I sob into his neck. Suddenly a bright orange bird shows up and tries to land on Jay. I swat at it thinking it's gonna eat him. But under closer inspection I realize the birds crying.
"Let the medic do his job." Ash says.
"Medic..." I mumble. A tear falls from the bird landing on my fallen brother.

"Now lay down Kyden your hurt

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Now lay down Kyden your hurt." Ash says and I listen curling into Jay and crying myself to sleep...........
"Kye. Wake up we need to change your bandages." A voice says, I rub my eyes exhausted and immediately notice that Jay is not dead.
I jump up and hug Jay tightly ignoring the pain in my throat and sides.
"Nah not right after I learn who my mate is..." He says smiling.
"Is your mate part angel? Does he have great hair? Is he really agile?" I ask smirking.
"No? He's my brother? And he's all angel." He says laughing.
"You're an ass you know that?" I say seriously then burst out laughing. He steps towards me.
"Say it please."
"Say what?"
"Tell me that you love me..." He whispers getting closer to my face.
"I love you Jasper." I whisper. I lean in to kiss him but right when our lips almost touch.
"Hey I'm sorry to ruin this but... we got problems, alphas about to pick who gets to fight and we need to go line up unless you want hounds on your ass." Ash says smirking.

Sorry that this is so short I'm on my way to a cougars game and don't have good weefee sooooo please comment what you think on my book and I'm sorry I don't have a posting calendar my parents split a while ago and I'm not alowed to have my phone at moms house sooo have a good day guys! Love youuuuuu

The submissive alphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ