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   ~Three weeks later~
I yawn, scratching my ribs trying to rid myself of fleas.
"G-goddamn fleas!" I yell. We all are skin and bones all are flea ridden and all are out for blood. I bare my teeth at Larra as she walks over her mohawk almost gone from hair loss.
"You look like shit." I mutter and take a swipe at her.
"Same to you...." she snarls back. I yawn and just shake my mane.
"Hey bitch I'm hungryyyyy!"  My brother moans. I snarl at him.
"WE ALL ARE NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I scream at him, that sparks an outbreak and he lunges at me. I jump into the air and fly away only to immediately be shot down by a massive net. I scream in fear as I hurdle to the ground.
"RUN GUYS DON'T FLY RUUNNNNN!!" I scream as I fall to the earth. When I hit the ground I sadly don't pass out or die.
"How the hell did you get her!"
"Bi-cough- bitch I'm a alpha male!" I yell and the people gasp.
"You speak English?!" They exclaim.
"Fuck ya I do now let me out!!! NOWW!!!!!" I roar. They barely flinch, Two people get ontop of me pinning me down. I snarl viciously and thrash, the net around my head is removed and a muzzle is shoved into my snout and my wings are tied down i snarl loudly but to no prevail. I see my brother fly away with Larra on his back and I howl the best I can saying my goodbye and I love them.
"Pick him up!" Im lifted into the air and taken to a truck. After I'm loaded in and someone starts the truck up... when we arrive my muzzle is taken off I immediately go to attack the guy but the smell of deer explodes into my nose, i immediately began salivating.
"No food then." I groan, slowly sit down on my haunches. He throws me a chunk of meat to me I jump up to grab it but it lands just out of my reach. I growl and strain against the chain tying me to the truck.
"STOP STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING TRYING TO STARVE HIM?!" A voice yells. My head snaps to the side and I see a tall buff man running towards me.
I snarl and back up towards the truck again. He slows down towards me and  walks straight towards the guy who's teasing me and punches him in the face. He knocked him right out and then turns to me, with out fear, he grabs the meat and holds it out to me. I snarl at him and bristle my fur. He didn't care and just scooted closer. He puts his hand towards me, reaching to touch me, hell no, I snap at him drawing blood.
"Do you speak young one?" He asks kindly.
"Y-yes." I whimper shying away from him and hiding under the truck.
"Hey shhh it's ok I'm not going to hurt you do your wings hurt?" I come out from hiding and stare at him.
"Y-yes." I stutter realizing he's bigger then me.
"I'm going to touch you, don't get scared." He whispers gently. The guy reaches towards my back and I freak out launching to the side.
"Hey shhhh it's ok remember it's ok I'll protect you." He tries again this time I let him and he cuts the rope restricting my wings . Instantly I began licking them as of them being numb. What I didn't notice is the guy moving to sit right next to me. I growl slightly but don't put that much effort into it.
"Everyone leave and bring me the medic." He says. Everyone leaves and a girl walks in.
"Give me your supplies." He says and the girl sighs looking down but hands everything over. He reaches out to me again and starts touching my wings, he touches the base of one and I yelp.
"Shhhh it's ok let me just give you some medication." He reaches into the box and hands me a small larvae shaped object.
"Swallow it you'll feel better." I nod and reluctantly swallow the... medication?
"Good boy. I love your wings were you born with them?" He asks. I nod and hesitantly sniff him. He smells like ash and blood. Not a very nice combo but he's pretty nice so far.
"My names Tanner what's yours?" He asks.
"What are you exactly I mean I have an idea but I wanna hear you say it."
"I'm an angel werewolf..."
"Well I think you'll like it here. Welcome to your new home. Medjack... get him some food deer or elk."
"Yes alpha." She says and runs off. I'm just stunned what about my brother??? What about Larra (lay-ruh)?

The submissive alphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ