I can't believe he just offered Allison the chance to stay here after all that's gone on between them. If this was a couple of weeks or a month ago, that suggestion wouldn't have come out of his mouth. Heck, the thought wouldn't have even entered his mind. He would have been saying to her where's your paper cup and I'll put some change into it for when you pick your place on the street to sit.

I'm taken aback.

"Thank you, but I couldn't ask you to do that," Allison responds. "I have been looking at places to stay and I'm going to view a few places later."

Luca shakes his head before swallowing the mouthful of tea he took after offering Allison his help. "It's fine. I wouldn't be offering if I didn't want to do it."

"Only if you're sure."

"I'm sure," Luca confirms with a tight nod of the head. "If it makes you feel better, you can always go with them so they know what they're packing is yours. Plus, I'll be leaving for New York at the weekend so you can keep Kaylee company while I'm away."

I smile at him and turn my attention back to Allison.

She flashes him a sincere smile. "Thank you, Luca."

Luca smiles briefly and places his empty cup in the integrated dishwasher behind him. He turns and takes the two cups Allison and I were drinking from and places them in the dishwasher before turning it on. He turns to us and picks his phone up from the worktop. "I'll get Trent to make the arrangements and you can decide between you when will be the right time to go."

"I think it'll be sooner rather than later." She gets to her feet and runs her hands down the front of the loose fitting, green print tie neck dress I let her borrow for work today. "I can't borrow Kaylee's clothes forever."

"Gee, thanks." I get to my feet. "You're so kind."

"I don't mean it in a bad way." She defends swiftly. "I simply like wearing my own clothes and what we both wear to work are entirely different styles at times."

"I knew what you meant," I tell her. "I was merely making a joke."

"Not a good one, then."

My mouth falls open in shock and I walk ahead of her out the kitchen towards the front door. "I am not going to work with you, today. You can make your own way there."

"I'm only kidding like you were." She catches up to me quickly, an arm linking with mine. "Thank you for allowing me to borrow something from your wardrobe."

"It's fine."

She lets my arm go and we take our coats and bags that are offered to us by Jones who is waiting for us by the front door. We slip the coats on and Jones leads the way out of the house and to the car.

"Enjoy work today," Luca says from behind us.

I look over my shoulder at him and smile. He winks at me on his way to the Jaguar that's sitting parked up behind the Audi.

"Hey, Luca," Allison calls. Luca looks at her. "Do you have any rich single male friends?"

Luca rolls his eyes. "I don't. Lucky for them, they're all happily married."

"Hmm, they don't know what they're missing with me, then."

Luca doesn't respond. He gets in the back of the Jaguar, Carlo closing the door behind him and getting into the driver's side. The engine starts up quickly and I turn my attention to Allison who is now standing at the opposite side of the car.

She looks over at me and shrugs. "What?"

"Really? Any single rich friends? You only broke up with Greg."

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