Chapter 33 - Awkward Encounters

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"Y'know, this is your second time in my bedroom and I've never even seen your house." Chan pointed out from where he laid on his bed, Na Ri laying beside him as they both looked up at the ceiling.

"Your point being?" She chuckled at his observation as a means of distracting herself from the actual reason for that being their reality. Her dad would never be okay with Chan being in her presence not to mind their house but that was something she didn't want Chan knowing. He had enough negativity in his life and she knew that telling him would only make things awkward between them.

"Nothing, I guess. I was just pointing it out. I feel like there's so much about you that I don't know." He sat up and turned back to look at her, an action that she copied. The two gazed at one another for a moment before he turned his body to face her, resting on his knees as he leaned closer to her and kissed the tip of her nose. Her heart fluttered at the small gesture but his next words sent anxiety through her body.

"We need to talk."

He pulled away but took both of her hands in his, knotting their fingers together as he sat cross legged in front of her. She swallowed the hard lump that had formed in her throat, threatening to choke her on her own words. She was nervous but she knew exactly what he meant, it was only a matter of time until he expected her to open up to him.

He could sense her uneasiness and offered a comforting smile as she built her courage.

"What do you want to know?" Na Ri asked him as he began to play with her fingers. "Everything, but firstly, why didn't you tell me that Jungsoo had a letter too? It feels like you purposely hid it from me." He looked up at her, watching as she broke their eye contact to look out of his bedroom window at the street below.

"It's not that I was hiding it, it just never came up between us." She replied, still not daring to meet his eyes. Truthfully she was scared that he'd be disappointed in her or worse, hurt. Chan was the one person that Na Ri had seen hurting multiple times but it never failed to have a negative impact on her own feelings, as though they were somehow connected to his. His happiness was hers, his sadness brought her sorrow, his tears fell as quickly as her heart fell to her stomach at the sight of them.

"Was that the answer you were hoping for?" She turned her focus to his fingers which were twiddling with hers. Chan paused, his fingers freezing and his entire mind becoming frazzled. He wanted to know more, like what else she knew and how close she really was with Jungsoo but Chan didn't want to make her uncomfortable nor did he want to risk the possibility of him becoming jealous so he chose against it, smiling and nodding instead.

The room fell silent, neither speaking a word but instead just enjoying each other's presence. Chan listened intently to the calm but steady pace of her breathing, finding the sound somewhat comforting. "Hey, look at me." He said so quiet it was nearly a whisper. She looked up to meet his gaze, a small smile forming on both their faces at the sight of one another. "I want you to know that whatever happens, you'll always have me. I'll never fade away or disappear. I'm always going to be right here, beside you." He released his grip on her hands and instead placed them on either one of her cheeks before leaning in and placing a quick peck on her lips.

A small part of Na Ri wanted to cry from happiness at his words but a bigger part of her held fear, as though at any moment he would vanish from her grasp. It was as though she knew something bad was going to occur, changing their lives forever in an instant but she didn't know what. The nagging feeling would never leave, not even as she sat in front of the smiling boy who in that moment seemed so full of life.

"But-" He dragged out, his sweet smile converting to a cheeky smirk. "-You do owe me the story of your past life." He continued in a sing song voice, determined to keep the vibe positive and comfortable for the girl he liked so much.

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