Chapter 3 - Because of him

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"You're thinking of Chan again, aren't you?" Bo Ra teased over the phone. She blushed and violently shook her head. "No! Not at all!" She replied adamantly. "Sure. Real convincing!" Bo Ra dragged out with a roll of her eyes, not believing her friend. "I mean, the whole day you seemed as though you were searching for him. Get used to it, Na Ri. He rarely even turns up to school, probably too busy causing trouble." She snorted in disapproval. 

Na Ri couldn't help but find her friend's comment slightly irritating. From what she saw, Bo Ra and Chan were pretty much strangers to each other and yet here she was acting as though she had him all figured out.

"Hey, I can feel you shooting daggers at me through the phone!" Bo Ra exclaimed. "Sorry." She apologised while opening her bedroom door and walking down stairs. Bo Ra laughed to ease the tension that she knew was her fault. She hadn't meant to annoy Na Ri, she simply wanted to make her aware of what he's like. 

The two parted ways with a simple goodbye once Na Ri explained she was hungry and was going to make lunch. She locked her front door first, knowing that her forgetful father had forgotten to lock it after he left for work, before she then headed to the kitchen to make some pasta to eat while she slaves away at her maths homework. She didn't fully understand what it was that her math teacher had been talking about but a boy named Jungsoo gave her his number in case she "needed a math pro to help". She didn't really intend on ever messaging him since he seemed quite arrogant but she had politely smiled and thanked him. 

She scrolled through her latest Instagram follow requests, nearly all from her new school. She figured it was better to accept them all as to not cause problems with her new classmates. She scrolled through her timeline, liking all the photos her classmates had recently posted as she waited for her pasta to boil.  That's when a certain photo grabbed her attention. It was posted by a boy that she didn't recognize but she noticed a familiar face in the picture. It was Chan surrounded by a group of boys and a few girls at what looked like a party. She studied the faces in the picture but Chan's was the only one she knew. 

"So he does have friends!" She muttered to herself. She couldn't help but judge their harsh appearance. None of these boys looked particularly friendly but then again who was she to judge. She sighed and locked her phone as she turned the pasta down to let it simmer just as her phone beeped. It was an Instagram DM from someone with the user Choi_KD. She had no idea who he was but once she clicked on his profile she saw it was the boy who had the photo with Chan. 

"You know Chan right?" She read aloud, confusion filling her senses. "Not really. I know of him though." She replied only to be left on seen. Na Ri decided not to think into it and poured her pasta into a bowl before sitting down to attempt her homework. 

"Not really. I know of him though." Kang Dae read aloud to the group. Chan kept his eyes glued to the ground, praying the group would just drop the topic and let him go home. He had seven missed calls from his parents but he was too scared to call back and explain to them why he never returned home after school or last night. The truth was, Chan didn't know what to tell his parents. The truth would hurt them and a lie would just come out later on. Karma always had a funny way of catching up with Chan. 

"So you do know her?" Sungjin marvelled whilst cocking one eyebrow, clearly having an interest in the topic of Na Ri. "So what if I do? What's it to you!" Chan yelled, standing up and nearing the group of boys who all smirked at his outburst. "Aww boys, our little Channie is getting defensive over a girl." Kang Dae joked, earning a round of laughter to echo throughout the bare room. Chan froze. Why was he getting annoyed over this? She wasn't even someone he cared for.

"What makes you think I'm even linked with her? I barely know her!" Chan raised his voice, failing to contain his irritation. Dongwoo, the quietest of the group let out a small laugh causing Chan's attention to fall on him. "We have our resources." He stated nonchalantly as he picked dirt out from under his nails. "Well do whatever you want with her, I couldn't care less but don't you ever  ask her about me again! Got it?" He threatened before storming out of the small basement room and slamming the door. 

Chan was tired. His body ached from the previous night's activities such as dancing with strangers and frantic running from the police as a small house party turned into a large scale criminal offence. The whole night was a blur but he couldn't ignore the familiar thrill that he had missed feeling as he pushed past running crowds of people to find somewhere to hide from the authorities. Somehow, throughout the early AM he had managed to fall into the custody of his so called 'gang'. He just wanted to go home, fall into bed and then get yelled at by his worried parents. 

He traipsed his weary feet downtown to the nearest bus stop, mentally preparing himself for the scolding he'd surely get for arriving home on a Saturday afternoon after spending Friday missing in action. Once seated on the bus he put his earphones in and blocked out the world using Day6's songs. He couldn't quite believe the trouble he'd got himself into again. These boys were the beginning of the end for Chan, just like they had been two years ago. 

Once he arrived outside his front door he sighed before counting to three and opening it. "Mum? Dad? I can expl-" He began but was cut off by his parents engulfing him in a hug. To say he was taken aback was an understatement. He had expected shouting, tears, maybe a few insults here and there, heck he'd even expected a slap or two but this - this was scary. 

"Never do that again, Chan!" His mum pleaded as she burst into tears. "We were so worried that you-we thought-we just-" His dad began before stopping himself and letting out a sigh. "I'm fine. I'll accept whatever punishment you have in place." Chan responded. His parents released their grip on their son and eyed him all over. "Where were you?" His dad questioned. "A party." Chan admitted causing both parents to eye each other sadly. He knew exactly what they were thinking. 'Not again.' 'We can't nearly lose him again.' 'History cannot repeat itself!'

"Before you ask, yes I was with them. No, I didn't get drunk. No, I was not arrested nor was I intoxicated. I am perfectly safe and not a single scratch on my body this time." He explained as he hurled his arms in front of them so they could check for themselves.  They both shared looks of uncertainty with their son before his mum nodded, wiping away her tears. "I was so scared, Chan. I can't lose you!" She said so quietly it was nearly a whisper. Chan lowered his head in shame. He hated upsetting his mother. He knew the past was still a part of her life today, just as it was to him. 

She wrapped her son in a loving embrace as she stroked his hair. "I'm sorry. I love you, Mum." His voice cracked as tears welled in his eyes. He couldn't promise that he wouldn't make bad decisions from now on but he sure as heck wasn't gonna sit back and watch those he loves suffer...not again. He couldn't deal with any more heart breaks and deaths because of him.

Kind of a boring chapter but oh well 

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