Chapter 32 - Doubts and Dates

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Bo Ra watched Chan as he dragged Na Ri in the opposite direction down the hallway, away from the crowd. A short lived wave of relief washed over her before she turned her gaze to Jungsoo who was already looking at her, a cold glare in his eyes.

"Can't say you didn't deserve that slap." He commented while the students that had gathered around nodded in agreement. "Why are you doing this? I never did anything at all to you!" She raised her voice at him, feeling nothing but anger in that moment. Jungsoo smiled but it wasn't a sincere smile, it was the type of smile that sent a chill up your spine, as though something sinister was behind it, a dark plan or cruel intention that could destroy a person in a mere second.

"You're right. You didn't do anything to me but do you wanna know something, Bo Ra?" Jungsoo took a step closer to the girl, bending down to level his face with hers. Bo Ra felt her heart race in her chest, her anger fading away only to convert back to fear. There were so many things she didn't want others to know. They'd never look at her the same again. Her whole reputation relied upon the truth never being unveiled and yet it seemed as though her long reign as the respected class president was about to come to an abrupt halt.

"Nobody ever did anything to you either, especially not In Ho. Did you ever think about him or how he felt? Did you ever even once stop to think that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't okay?" Jungsoo shot at her, filled with the emotions he had so desperately tried to hide from her. Not a day went by that Jungsoo didn't miss In Ho, from the simple things like his infectious laugh and bright smile to his caring side that would always forgive others and prioritize their problems. Maybe that's why he ended up the most unhappy. Giving away all of your own happiness for the sake of others and receiving none in return was bound to leave nothing but an empty hole where a happy soul once was.

"I wasn't the one who pushed In Ho! Chan did that all on his own. You can't seriously blame me for his death when Chan's the one that shoved him over the balcony railing!" Bo Ra raised her voice but Jungsoo had managed to plant a seed of doubt in her mind. She knew the facts, she knew Chan was the reason In Ho wasn't alive, she knew In Ho had died at Chan's touch, she saw that with her own eyes and yet Jungsoo's words had left her questioning herself. Perhaps it could've all been prevented. Maybe if she would've stopped In Ho from drinking he never would have lost his temper at her that night. Maybe if she would've told him the hurtful truth sooner they never would have been on that balcony in the first place. Perhaps if she just would've calmed him down instead of yelling at him he never would've raised his hand as though he intended to hit her, maybe then Chan would never have reacted.

"You're just totally avoiding what I asked you so I guess I'm gonna have to be the bad guy and remind you of what you did." The corner of his lips turned up in an arrogant manner, feeling more than ready to jog her memory of her awful deeds. Bo Ra froze, her feet glued to the spot as all eyes landed on her. She wanted to scream and yell and even cry but her trembling body wouldn't listen to her brain's signals. In that moment she felt helpless and weak. For the first time in her life she no longer had the upper hand in the situation. She couldn't control her actions or feelings let alone anyone else's and it terrified her.

Jungsoo turned to face a portion of the crowd before pointing his finger at Bo Ra, all students giving him every ounce of their attention. "Bo Ra isn't who she led you to think she is." He began, shooting her a smirk before facing a different section of the crowd. "Bo Ra drove In Ho into thinking suicide was his only option with her constant lying and cheating!" He announced to the anticipating students. A chorus of gasps soon followed his statement, egging him to continue on but he hesitated.

A small part of Jungsoo didn't want these people knowing In Ho's past. He felt as though they weren't worthy of hearing about his struggles but Jungsoo didn't want them living under the pretence that she were some kind of saint while she blamed Chan for In Ho's death.

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