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I was in the group of a very beautifull girl with gold blonde hair very beautifull eyes i was stuck in those eyes so beautifull

" okay?" she asked i looked away
"Oh yea i am fine euhh ye i am fine" i said

"Alright class so the presentation is about making a model of a working catapult i need to be atleast 2 ft high and remember it need to work and i want in to be finish at the end of the month i want every deatil how it have ben made and no cheating Lets start" the teacher said
I was quite good at making thing so this should not be hard

"Great so how do we start" astrid asked
then a girl from behind called my
"Hey hiccup i am single are you" that girl said i dont date 2 days no more
then for my luck the bell rang
And i walked into next class art i sat down in the back with snoutlout and eret and fishleg astrid sat down next to heather infront of us but she was facing my

"Hey class i hope everyone enjoyed their summer so my name is Mr.Person i will be your art teacher so i want all of you too make a simple drawing of something lets start" he said i take a piece of paper and a pen and started drawing i really like drawing it was my pass time i draw down a black dragon
I raised my hand and the teacher walked to my

"Sir i am finished" i said he took my paper and he smiled
"Good very nice as always can you please help heather and astrid they are having some difficulty" he said i noded i slowly made my way to the girls

"Need help? " i said

"No thank you we are fine" heather replied quicly i looked at her paper

"Well its doesnt look fine to my" i said and sat down next to astrid
"Thanks for under estimating my work as always" she said i rolled my eyes
"And... euhh... y-you need help" i said to astrid she turned her head and noded

"Yes i am trying to draw a dragon and i cant and i am not able to draw the eyes" she said i looked at her paper its was not bad actually better than everyone elses

"Woow" i said i was amazed how good she is drawing
"Is that bad" she said
"Nonono its very good" i said

"WHAT did you just said very good at someone elses work thats so not hiccup" Heather said quicly

"You know i changed" i said and draw the eyes for astrid's work
"Woow you are good thanks" she said
"No problem" i said and walked to the guys

He is so cute but he is just a Bad Boy come on astrid you cant fall for him

"I have never seen hiccup act like that" heather said she smirked
"Like what ? "i asked
"He is usually doing his Bad Boy moves like flirting with every single girl but not with you" she said and the bell rang for the end of school since its a half day

I walked outside to the of the parking lot and saw my dad in his normal black SUV thank god i got in

"Hey dad" i said as he pulled off

"Hey sweaty how was school" he asked
"Good i have already made a friend" i said
"You see i have told you already made one friend" he said as we pulled off and drove home


The first week of school is finally done astrid and i have almost finished the model it was now diner time i was siting in the cafeteria with snoutlout eret and fishleg when a girl appared from behind my

"Hey handsome wanna have some fun" she said i was getting frustated i get asked these question at least 3 a day

"LOOK I HAD ENOUGH OF GIRLS" i yelled at her everyone looked at my

"I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS 'HEY HICCUP I AM SINGLE' OKAY? i yelled at her i was angry

"You are a loser" she said and left
"Woow he really want to change" Heather said
"By this time he would kissed her but no maybe he really changed" she said it was first of school and everytime a girl went to talk to him is was getting a feeling it was weird

"Is it true that your dad is a police officer" Heather asked
"Yes its true" i said
"So cool and do he have a police car too"
"Yes he have a police car too" then we headed to math class

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