Worried words

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Back at the ship

Nya's POV

"Where's Kai?" Wu asked. "He went out for a walk," I answered. "Why did he go out for a walk? That's not like him." Cole said. "He had a nightmare this morning and he felt off about it," Jay answered. "What? What was his dream about?" Wu asked with a worried look. "He said that he was running in a jungle and then a snake attacked him. I explained. "What? But why didn't he tell anything to me about it? Wu asked. "He didn't want to bother you and he didn't feel like it was that serious. Jay responded. "But if he went out this morning wouldn't he be back by now? Zane asked. "Yeah! You're right he should be back by now." It then hit me, Kai had been out for two hours. "Maybe something happened to him. We have to find him! I shouted. "Don't worry I'm sure he's fine, just a little late," Jay responded and put his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. "Yeah! I hope you're right." I responded. I was a little bit calmer now but I was still worried. "But if he isn't back before dawn then I'm going to go look for him!"

Kai's POV

"Ah! My head hurts!" I opened my eyes and blinked to try to get used to the room I was in. It was a dark room with a wooden door. I tried to rise up but my legs where chained to the floor and my arms to the wall. "Where am I? And how did I get here?" I asked myself. All I knew was that I had to get out of there. I tried melting the chains with my fire but I couldn't use my fire powers. The chains where blocking my powers. "Why am I here? And how do I get out of here?" I whispered to myself. "That question is easy to answer, You don't!" The voice was deep and sharp, and it came from outside of the door. "I see that you are awake. I am so glad you could come to help me." The voice continued. "Okay! First of all I did not come here by my will. And second, who says that I'm going to help you?!" I answered with an angry tone. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said he had a temper." "I know, But he is the one you asked for." Another voice said. And then the door opened up and there stood a man dressed in a dark purple robe with some gold details. He had short black hair and a small scar on his left cheek. "Who are you?" I asked him. He didn't answer instead he walked to the side and revealed a man dressed a black robe and a black cape. He had a black crown on his head and short dark brown hair. And that face. Yeah, that face was a face of nightmares with that devilish smirk, he had a scar over his left eye and another scar on his right cheek. He smirked at me. "Well hello there Kai." He said. "H...how do you know my name?" I was a little scared of him. "Oh! I know a lot about you, Kai Smith, but is now known as the fire ninja, son to Ray and Maya Smith and brother to Nya Smith." He kept smirking at me. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I have my ways. But let's get to the point to why you're here. I need your help." I chuckled and he seemed surprised by it. "What makes you think that I would help you." He started laughing. "Oh, you will come around eventually, just wait and see." He looked at the other man and said. "Damon you can go ahead, I going to finish here." The other man that apparently was named Damon nodded and then walked out from the cell. "You asked me who I was." The man said. "Yeah, so what?" I snarked. "Well, you can call me the shadow king." He said and then he walked out and slammed the door behind him, leaving me alone in the dark.

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