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A small insect that is born with wings that come in all shapes, patterns, and colors. The beauty of these little creatures landing on a flower or a human nose as they reveal their wings. But when they close them, some show off their ugly side of the wings that scare the dangerous enemies away. Everyone knows that these beautiful wings are a special treasure and wish for them to be forever pinned up for display. They are delicate little beings that fly all over the world and always light up our worlds. 

Butterflies know they are being watched, but do you know that they are watching over you too?

It is not often a certain winged insect fly around us in hoping for people like us to get their attention. We think they are just simple creatures where its entire tree consists of different wings and colors. In reality, each little flutter of those wings sends them your way. They contain two special features that make them stand out from the others. One would be the change in their wings and the other is this mysterious aura around them. 

People will think you might be crazy, but their mind isn't open to the ancient tales and stories that our parents tell us about what butterflies resemble. Each wing of a butterfly might secretly be two lovers bound together by fate to never be separated again. A single white butterfly is actually the spirit of someone who might have just passed away. For a white butterfly to receive its colorful wings, someone in their former life must complete the final task in order for the spirit to be set free. Stories like these would help kids who don't understand what death is and give them a special world that can be passed down to the next of kin.

The next time you see a butterfly flying around you and reveal their wings to you. Don't just bask in the beauty and take something as a memento. Ask them if they were someone that has the same interest as you do. Wonder if it is a person in your family that is watching over you. Be kind and take a picture or draw them so they won't be forgotten. Figure out why did they receive the color palette for their wings when you compare them to the others. Think about the inspiration they gave you as these beings sit in an area that might give you an insight into their former life. Don't be afraid to follow them if a butterfly leads you to a place full of magic.

Let them rest on your finger and reintroduce themselves to the world.

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