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Rain continues to fall as some of it splashes against the living room window. Watching the sky on and off pour its heart out from sadness. Usually, during this time it would be peaceful but this feels like the world is weeping for someone. It feels their pain and sorrow. How does it know what is happening right now?

My eyes drift to the house across the street. A loving family who have a total of three children. The older one is in the kitchen with the mother chilling while his younger siblings are playing in the puddles. The dad is smiling at the twin sister and brother at their joyful jumps. I think this was their first day playing in the rain.

However, it doesn't help with the problem I'm in. A local neighborhood kid who I befriended ever since he was a baby is at my house. His name is Finn and the boy ran through downpour a good five blocks. He asked if he could crash here for a few days. Seeing Finn in that state made my heart sink. My attention went over to the clock. It's six forty-two at night, I better go check on him and see if he's okay.

I walk up the stairs and took a right down the hall to reach my bedroom. The last time I saw him was when I helped dry him off and offering some clean clothes that didn't fit me anymore. I hope he's okay. I turn the doorknob on my cherrywood door and open it up slowly. No lights are on, only light in the room is from the outside shining through the white curtains. Upon the bed was the boy all curled up on his side with the covers covering only the bottom half of his body. The navy shirt is lifted up a bit revealing his midriff while his used to be soaking wet brunette hair is touching his forehead. For some reason, I thought he would be sleeping right in the middle of the bed, instead, he's laying on the left side.

Despite me being in my thirties, I always treated him like someone special to me. Significant other, a son, or just a friend, that's how much I care about this person. But as of right now, he just needs a friend. I walk over to the sleeping boy and take a seat on the bed where there was space in front of Finn. He looks so peaceful then what he was two hours ago. I slowly bring a hand up to his head and ran it through his short hair. His body relaxed to the touch almost too fast for my thoughts. I feel bad for him.

A quiet sigh escapes me as I caught a glimpse of his face. Fresh streaks of tears glide down. Not only that but I see old ones that ran down from the eyes to his cheeks. How long has he been crying? The frown appears on my face sooner on my face than I expected.

From I remember he accidentally said to me what his parents told him. They told Finn he was a mistake and was never planned. As much as they wanted to abort him or just give him up for adoption, this was their option. Those two wanted to see if he met their expectations. Apparently, that didn't happen. The father called him weak for having anxiety even though he's proud that his son is on the football team. His mother told him he was the reason she let herself go. No that I think about it, there were moments I saw Finn with a couple bruises and a black eye about a week ago. Did his parents do that?

I get up from the bed and walk over to the right side. His body curls in more. Does he miss that feeling of being cared for? I crawl under the covers and make my way over to him. This might bite me later in life, but I don't really care. He needs someone. I grab the covers and bring them up a bit more to keep the boy warm. I bring myself close to him enough where I swing an arm around his waist. My head rests on the same pillow as his.

As I was about to close my eyes, something shift in front of me. Finn is now facing me and is getting closer. I sense a bit of heat on my face until I feel his hand rest against my chest and his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I'm in shock at this sudden action but I notice something was different. He was smiling in his sleep.

A small smile appears on my face as I wrap my arm even more around him. I rest my head back on the pillow and run through his hair with a free hand. The warmth between our bodies is strong enough to make me fall asleep. This is what living a peaceful life must be for him.

It's nice.

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