Part 2

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Original Post Time: November 9th, 2017

"Stay close." Tommy says in a whisper as the both of you exit the cabin. Nodding, you walked behind him with a baseball bat in your hands, prepared if Jason decided to show up and attack. "You said you had car keys right?" Tommy asked as he tilted his head slightly to look back at you. "Yeah... Everything's in the car too. If we make it, we can get out of here." Tommy nodded as the both of you headed in the direction to the car at Packanack lodge.

(Time Skip)

"Tommy slow down! I'm not as fast as you!" You say almost out of breath. Tommy paused and waited for you anxiously as Jason was almost caught up with the two of you. The moment you got to Tommy's side, you were panting and bending over a bit just to catch your breath, Tommy grabbed your hand hastily and pulled you with him. "We can't stop now, (Y/N)!" He says as he ran into one of the nearby cabins. Practically throwing you inside, Tommy let's go of your hand and slams the door shut with a loud bang. Locking it and throwing the bar over it, Tommy takes a step back to regain his composure before looking back at you. When he did, he saw how tired and hurt you were from that gash on your shoulder.

Jason went around and broke the window that was closer to Tommy, causing him to stagger back from it. He knew you wouldn't be able to move anymore from the small amount of blood you lost when you got stabbed and have it now coating your bandages. Making a rash decision, he grabbed your wrist and led you into the bathroom and put you inside. Confused on why he did this, he quickly answered your question you were about to ask. "Stay here. Lock the door and wait for me to leave. Make a break for the car and get out of here. I'm gonna distract him." Fear begun to settle in as the reality of the situation grew more instead thanks to Tommy's idea. "No. No. No. No. Don't do that. Tommy, he'll..."

You paused as you started to quiver in fear, almost completely shaking. "He'll kill you! Please don't do this! I'm not gonna leave you!" You pleaded as tears filled your eyes, clearly overwhelmed and upset on what he was about to do. Tommy stared at you for a brief moment before hearing the door from the living room break down. You squeaked at the sudden noise and Tommy took this chance to push you into the bathroom and shut the door roughly. You fell back on your side as you watched him shut the door. As your heart raced, you stood up quickly to open the door, but stopped in shear terror as you saw Tommy hit the hockey mask killer with a baseball bat. "Come on chicken shit! Come on you pussy!" He yelled out before running and jumping out the window, with Jason in hot pursuit.

You held your hands to your mouth as you shook violently, tears streaming down your cheeks as you had thoughts of that man dying because he wanted to protect you. "Oh my god...No...Please god no..." You whispered against your hands as you shaking hand reached for the door knob. Slowly pulling the bathroom door open, you looked both ways before stepping out. Looking out the window, you watched as the street lights went out ahead and then to the cabin that you were in. You gasped lightly as you soon bolted it out of there. "Don't let his efforts go to waste! You can still save him if you get the car going!" You thought to yourself as you ran down the rode of Hadders path. Seeing the blue car in view, you quickly got in and started it up. But the mere second of starting it up, the mass, bulky figure came behind the car. Letting out a terrified scream, you floored it forward. "Where the fuck-?!" You couldn't even finish your sentence as you collided with a tree. You jerked forward in your seat, your chest pressed against the steering wheel of the car before falling back. Letting out a pained groan, you held your head in your hands before looking up in the rear view mirror to only see the killer stalking up behind you. Your eyes widened as you struggled to start the car. "Come on! Come on! Please come on!" You cried as you kept kicking the reverse pedal. Jason stood there in silence as he then pulled out a throwing knife and throwing it at one of tires. You heart dropped into the depths as you felt the car sink in on one side. "No..." You thought until you felt hands grab around your shoulders and being roughly pulled threw the window shield of the car, the glass breaking from the impact, leaving minor scratches and cuts on your body.

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