Chapter 11

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"oh my god I hope she says yes." Zach says as he eats popcorn

"where'd you get popcorn." Corbyn asks

"I find it better if you don't question it." Zach says

"Kate you ok." Daniel asks

"huh." Kate says

"well you've been standing there for five minutes not saying anything." Daniel says

"sorry what happened I spaced out." Kate says

"Christina asks you to be her girlfriend." Jack says as he eats popcorn with Zach

"oh." Kate says

"so yes or no." Christina asks

"she better says yes." Zach says

"yes." Kate says

"YAYYYYYYYY." Zach says as he throws the popcorn in the air

"ZACH the popcorn." Tessa says

"clean it up." Gabbie says

"we are celebrating a happy moment." Zach says

"but my floor." Gabbie says

"stop acting like a mom." Zach says

"here's a vacuum." Gabbie says as she pulls a vacuum out of the storage closet

"ok can we not talk about popcorn." Jonah says

"yeah i'm hungry lets get dinner." Zach says

"ok." Kate says as she grabs Zach's hand and they run out of the apartment

"uh now we have to go after them." Jonah sighs as he walks out of the apartment

"why are you all smiley." Corbyn says to Christina

"because im dating the love of my life." Christina says

"wait the love of your life." Corbyn says

"uh race you there." Christina says as she runs out of the apartment

"oh your on." Corbyn says as he runs after her

"who want to just order in." Gabbie asks

"me." Tessa Daniel and Jack say


"so that means me and Daniel get are own room." Zach asks

"yes." Kate says

"yay so whos room Christina's or yours." Zach asks

"I guess Christina's." Kate says

"im so happy my ship sailed." Zach says

"till it crashes." Corbyn says as he walks up next to Zach and Kate

"why why would you do that." Zach says as he starts crying

"look what you did." Kate says

"well that's how I felt when you guys broke up." Corbyn says "you were my ship."

"what did you guys do to Zach." Jonah says as him and Christina walk up to them

"I don't even know." Kate says

"my ship cant end." Zach cries as he hugs Christina and Kate

"ok lets go home." Jonah says as there name gets called and he grabs the food and they leave the food place


"what up Losers." Kate says as they walk back into the apartment

"yay food." Jack says as he runs into the kitchen

"not so fast Jacklyn." Kate says "what do you say."

"thank you." Jack sighs

"ok here you go." Kate says as she hands him his food

"wow what a mom." Zach says

"whatever Zizi." Kate says

"you agreed never to call me that again that happened one time." Zach whines

"it was the best prank ever." Kate says while smiling

"was till we got in jail and Jonah had to bail us out." Zach says

"oh yeah." Kate says

"to this day I regret helping you." Jack says

"we where a team." Kate says

"code word WHERE." Jack says

"WhErE." Kate mocks "we still are a team."

"no every time we decide to team up we end up in jail or some how end up 9 states away from everyone." Jack says

"or in China." Daniel says

"you where there with us that time." Kate says

"you four are the worst together." Corbyn says

"we are great together don't know what your talking about." Kate says

"oh im talking about the time you four joined the Circus." Corbyn says

"I wouldn't be talk you where apart of the becoming stripers thing." Jonah says

"I was a great striper." Corbyn says

"I was an even better striper." Kate says

"you held onto the pole and ran in circles saying 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' till you fell off stage." Corbyn says "and you weren't drunk."

"I was high." Kate says

"oh yeah that's the time Kate eat the pot brownies." Zach says

"you eat them to." Jack says

"oh yeah." Zach says

"and this is why you guys aren't aloud alone together." Jonah says

"I still have my striper outfit." Kate says

"the really short skirt and the crop top that barley covers anything?" Gabbie asks

"yes I call the skirt a squirt." Kate says

"I just- never mind." Gabbie says

"I want a squirt." Zach says

"here you can use mine." Kate says as she walks into her room and gets the skirt and throws it at Zach and he puts it on

"it doesn't fit your to tiny." Zach says as he takes the skirt off

"when'd you become a striper?" Tessa asks

"its a long story." Kate says


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