Chapter 7

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"ok remember your job Zach." Daniel says as they stand at the front door of Loren's house

"keep Christina away from Loren." Zach says

"yes i already talked to Tessa shes been keeping Loren away from Christina." Daniel says

"guys you dont need to-"

"Kate this is are chance we are not letting Loren fuck it up you deserve some to make you happy and thats Christina." Daniel says 

"now into the party." Gabbie says while opening the door

"ok im going to find everyone you stay here." Daniel says as he walks through the crowd of people

"whatever." Kate says as she makes her way to the kitchen to get a drink

"you look lonly." Loren says as she walks over to Kate 

"mmm my friend left me so kinda." Kate says

"herd you broke up with Zach." Loren says

"yeah cant date him if im gay." Kate says

"oh so you are gay." Loren says

"yep you like Zach." Kate asks

"he's cute but im more into someone else." Loren says as she gets closer to Kate 

"your drunk im gonna go find my friends." Kate says

"i am drunk but i found out i liked you when you posted your first bikini pic." Loren says 

"well i still have to find my friend see you around." Kate says while walking away

"there you are." Kate hears Tessa says as she walk away

"ok plans working." Daniel yells over the music as he walks over to Kate

"i dont care." Kate yells back

"hey Kate you should go talk to Christina." Gabbie yells while pulling her towards Christina and Zach

"Zach i get it but i haven't talked to Loren since i got here i just want to say hi." Christina yells to Zach

"oh look its Kate." Zach yells

"Hey." Kate yells

"im gonna go you to should go upstairs away from the loud music." Zach yells

"wanna go upstairs." Christina yells

"sure." Kate yells back as they walk upstair and into a random room

"ugh Zach is so annoying." Christina says as she lays on the bed thats in the random room

"what because he wouldnt let you talk to Loren." Kate says as she sits on the bed

"yeah." Christina sighs "maybe i should get over her find someone else."

"i know someone." Kate says

"really who." Christina says as she sits up

"well you know her she's liked you for four years." Kate says

"who?" Christina says as Kate kisses her and Christina pulls away "uh Kate im sorry but-"

"no its fine i shouldnt have said anything i should go." Kate says as she stand up and leaves the room

"WAIT KATE." Christina yells as she runs out of the room

"what happened." Daniel asks as Kate walks down the stairs

"nothing." Kate says as she walks into the kitchen where Loren and Tessa were

"oh hey Kate." Tessa says as Kate grabs Loren and starts making out with her

Craving // Christina MarieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang