chapter 6

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-one month later-

"do you guys have to go back on tour." Kate whines 

currently the boys had to go back on tour but Kate didn't want them to so she's latched herself onto Daniels leg

"yes." Daniel says while looking down at Kate

"but you don't." Kate says while hugging his leg

"Kate they have to leave." Christina laughs as she pulls Kate off of Daniel which ended in her fall onto Christina 

"sorry." Kate says as she gets up 

"RUN!" Gabbie says 

"NO WAIT." Kate yells as she jumps onto Jonah's back


"you cant get rid of me bitch." Kate says as she laughs evilly

"we will just be gone for 6 months we'll be back." Zach says

"no." Kate says

"told you we shouldn't have told her." Corbyn says

"yeah but then she would have hunted us down and hit us with rocks again." Jack says

"true." Corbyn says

"I have to keep my curls safe these cost 50 dollars." Jack says

"ok someone get her off my back." Jonah says

"Kate you are being over dramatic." Tate says as her Gabbie and Christina pull her off Jonah's back and pin her to the floor

"GO." Christina says

"bye Kate love you." they says as they run out the door

"NOOOOOOO." Kate yells

"Kate there just gonna be gone for 6 months." Gabbie says

"I just miss them." Kate says as she starts crying

"its ok bby." Gabbie says as she hugs Kate

"no its not." Kate pouts "the next six months are going to be the worst."


and Kate was right six months later and Chrisina and Corbyn broke up for reasons i dont know why and Tate moved back in with her family doesn't sound that bad but it was but on the plus side Christina came out as gay


"miss Tate and the boys we know." Christina and Gabbie says as they in the dinning room eating cereal

"there coming back tomorrow tho." Gabbie says

"OH and Tessa's moving in today." Christina says

OH right forgot Tessa's moving in with them

"I guess that's good." Kate says

"you guess didn't you miss me." Tessa says as she walks into the living room where Kate was

"I did miss you." Kate says "but I miss the boys more."

"well they'll be here to-"

"TOMORROW." Christina and Gabbie yell cutting Tessa off

"yeah tomorrow." Tessa says

"Kate you should go get the mail." Christina says while waling into the living room

"why I don't want to." Kate says

"just go get the mail." Christina Gabbie and Tessa say

"ugh fine." kite says while standing up and walking out the door of there apartment and down the stairs and out the door to were the mail boxes were only to see no mail

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