His lips slightly begin to curve as he nods his head. "okay.. good."


"good." he says again making Riley hits him.

"okay you guys are being weird. lets go." she laughs.

Grayson looks back at me before walking off with Riley. Thoughts circle through my mind as i stay leaned on the back of my car; not wanting to leave.

Thoughts of when Bailey & I still lived together where teasing me, making me miss the simplest look of her in the morning.

Its a cliche thing for a guy to say 'she isn't like any other girl', but she really wasn't for me.

You read the same thing in the books, and see the same things in the movies.

She changed him.

Well i think she did.

Damsel in distress?

I don't think so.

She saved me.

Not the other way round.

I was an absolute asshole like every guy in the movies. The girl that has the balls to tell you that you are an asshole is the one that the guy can't get out of their head.

The fact that she isn't all over you makes you want her even more.

I think one of the main things i love about Bailey is how we can have real talks.

They are so filled with emotion and just deep true things. The stuff we speak of can be something we would never tell anyone else. And you don't always have that with many people.

I only wish to talk to her because she always makes me feel better.

She saved me.

Yet i was still late to save her..

I wasn't late enough for her to go through to pain she had already went through. But i could of prevented it if i had just been there.

Been there earlier so she didn't have to pick up the call.

Not of gone with Britney and just ignored her in the first place.

I should of just stayed with Bailey.

"yooo you frozen or something?!" Scotts voice calls out. My body jumps as my eyes dart in his direction; right in front of me.

His car was parked with Malia in the passenger side.

My heart was lightly pounding against my chest from being pulled out of my thoughts so suddenly.

"not anymore." i shake my head, smiling as i know Bailey is in the car.

"took you guys long enough." i tease as the engine turns off.

Three doors open and my eyes automatically find their way to Bailey.

She hops out of the car, with no struggle. She wore a cropped top with sweats. Her hair loosely fell as it looked like she barely tried.

My eyes wander, feeling a lump in my throat.

"just had to see little cutie pie." Malia says in a baby voice making me squint my eyes; smiling.

"Guppie?" i ask; curious.

Baileys eyes catch onto mine, soon tucking a strand behind her ear; my weakness.

I can't help but stare at her in awe as as bites onto her bottom lip; nodding. 

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