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11 | this sucks

song: chasing pavements by adele

you can never be
'just friends'
with some one
you fall in love with

Baileys POV
[ 1 month after Ethan left ]

"Wailey can we watch a movie?" Ava asks cautiously hiding behind my door before walking in to the cold filled air. Dark. I don't usually leave my room; isolated.

"Sure we can. Just give me a minute mkay?" i weakly smile, trying not to scare her.

I'll admit. I'm not okay. I hate myself for letting Ava see me like this.

I've been doing as much as I can with my family before they leave.

Malia is staying at Scotts for the time being, letting me have as much time as I can with them.

I appreciate her so damn much for that.

All of his stuff is gone. Not a bit of him is left.

Well. Thats a lie. I still have things that belonged to him. Things he gave me. I just don't have the heart to throw or give it away.

I still have his jersey that had his scent lingering in it. Little things he gave me.

I am not going to be one of those girls that throw every single thing that he touched, gave or even looked at just to move on.

Because I haven't moved on.

I dont think I ever will.

Plus. Just being here in this place reminds me of him.

When I look at my door, I remember him leaning against it with that dumb smirk making my cheeks go warm.

When I look I my own bed, I remember laying with him, holding tight. Him tickling me when he was being an annoying piece of shit.

When I look at the kitchen, I remember him standing 'trying' to cook. Key word: trying. He was terrible it made me laugh. I remember chasing each other around when we smeared food on each other.

When I look at the couch I remember laying on it as he stole my phone making me chase him around the whole place.

When I look at his door I remember barging in when one specific rule that ended up fading told us not to. I remember walking in on his sleepy state. Messy hair and lashes rested on his cheeks. The small gasps for air as his lips were squished against his pillow. His arms always hugging on to something.

I swear he always cuddled something when he was asleep.

When I look at the bathroom I remember hearing his terrible singing, trying to sound as good as the music we blasted on our speakers.

When I look at the lounge.

I remember the most amazing, breathtaking and cute fort he made. Him standing in front of me with his cute soft smile while he held onto the blindfold.

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