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13 | bowling

song: heebiejeebies-bonus by amine, kehlani

i want you
i want us
you and me

Baileys POV

"You getting ready B?!" Malia yells from the kitch as i stuff my face with chips. My body startles as i peek my head over the couch with my mouth full of doritos.

I crunch the chips as i nod my head.

"Yeah totally." I cover my mouth.

"What ever bitch you didn't even enter your room." She says placing her hands on her hips.

I pout my lips together as my body rolls off the couch onto the floor.

"I don't want to gooooo!" I whine, with my face now on the carpet, my other hand holding onto the packet of chips.

"You always want to go when the group plans something." Malia says making my head shift upwards to give her an 'are you dumb' face.

"Ethan is going." i say bluntly as my face hits the floor again.

"Oh my actual fuck." Malia groans.

"And? you were soon to see the guy again B. He is twin brothers with Grayson. One of your best friends?!" She says making me groan, rolling onto my back.

"You dont get it." I mumble loud enough for her to hear.

"This whole situation is bad." I say shutting my eyes.

"Its not that bad-"

"Malia." I snap.

"There are three bad things about this whole thing." I say, sitting up as my legs are criss cross, facing her.

She crosses her arms raising her brows as she waits for me to explain what could possibly be so wrong about this.

"One, Ethan is my bowling partner."

"Two, the first time i met his family we went bowling." as i explain this part Malia nearly chokes with her eyes widening.

"And three..." I drop my head down a little as i fiddle with my fingers.

"Three?" Malia leans a little closer to hear.

"That April girl is coming..."

"April is cool!" She throws her hands in the air.

"Yes! She is cool! SUPER COOL! Thats the problem!" I whine, dropping my shoulders. Malia gives me a half smile as she already knows why thats a problem.

She walks around the couch, dropping in front of me.

"You're scared Ethan and her-"

"Yes." I cut her off not wanting to hear the words.

"You're jealous missy." She bops my nose making me pout like a little kid.

"Dude, you can't say much!" She pushes my shoulder lightly laughing. "Huh?" i say.

"Huh?!" She pulls a wonky face, imitating me.

"You were soooo trying to make Ethan jealous B!" She says nudging me. I look down feeling a little guilty from doing it.

But after all. I wanted a reaction.

I wanted to know if something was still there.

And clearly, there is.

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