Chapter 1- Call from unknown

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I got home after a long day of recording my new song:
Back To You

Alexandra was sitting on the couch reading one of the magazines by the coffee table. I take my high heels off and carry them to the living room
"Hello Miss, how was your day?" Alexandro, my daughter's  babysitter said
"Hey Alex, is Sophera asleep?"
"Yes Miss, I put her at sleep at around 9PM"
"Thank you,"
"Goodnight Miss"
"Goodnight Alexandra"
I go upstairs yawning, I enter my room and change my clothes and then leave to check on my daughter. She looks so peaceful, like and angel. Tears start rolling down, I remember how much I loved Justin, how my life would be if we didn't break up and he knew about Sophera.

The next day:

I woke up, and then went to wake Sophera but she was already up. I went down and she was drinking orange juice and eating cereal with milk.
"Hey baby,"
"Hi mom,"
"You ready,"
"Yup, one minute"
I got changed and drove her to preschool.
"Bye mom,"
"Bye sweetie, have a good day hun."
"Thanks mommy, bye"
And I watch her leave. She grew up so fast, I thought to myself.
I get home and change my clothes, in 3 hours I need to be at the studio recording Mavis' voice for Hotel Transylvania 3.
I got home, parked my Jaguar F-Type and grabbed the mail. I read the mail and listened to my voicemails
"Voicemail from unknown, Hey Sel, it's Justin. I know you have no right to trust me anymore but please, I need you, I want you, I want more than just your body. Meet me tonight at Joey's  Grill and Bar, it's a date. Reservation is in my name. I really hope you come!"
Omg, Justin!!! Maybe it's finally time for me to tell him about Sophera. What am I going to do? He only thing I know is that I need to go on this "date" maybe I was wrong, maybe he does deserve another chance! But how many more does he need? He's had plenty already. But he needs this, it's his kid we're talking about.

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying this story. I love the song Back To you🎤♥️!
Pls comment and vote! Love y'all❤️

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