Chapter 10: Kind Explanations

Start from the beginning

Keeping my focus on the beautiful sweet girl in my arms, I continue whispering comforting things on rubbing her back comfortingly to help her calm down. After a few more minutes, it finally ends and I can feel her entire body just loosen up and relax in my arms.

I don't even say anything, kneeling down and motioning with my head for her to get back on my back. The amount of energy that she loses from these attacks is obvious, and instead of trying to convince her to go to my bed and actually believing that she wouldn't stumble on her way, I know it'll be easier just to carry her.

She doesn't even fight me this time, giving me a tired pout but climbing on nonetheless. Standing up with her on my back, I look back over to everyone else.

"Just a minute. I'll explain when I come back." I tell them before carrying her down the hall to my room. I just set her on my bed when I get there.

"Jungkookie, no. I'm not sleeping in here again and I'm not going to sleep right now either." She says, pushing herself up from the bed as I walk towards the door. I frown at her, shaking my head.

"Minnie, you're exhausted and already on the verge of falling asleep. I have to explain to the others why we left Jimin hyung at the studio and I don't want you to end up having another attack." I tell her, stopping in my tracks as I turn to look at her. Her eyes soften slightly as she gives a slight pout, looking up at me.

"Please?" She asks before rubbing her face gently with her hands. I sigh, knowing fully well that I'm giving in. I can't help it though. It's Minnie.

"Fine. But I don't want you fighting sleep while you're out there. Just let yourself fall asleep, okay? And you need to be listening to music rather than listening to us. You'll have another attack otherwise." I give in. She gives me a tired grin, nodding her head.

Walking over to me, she takes the bag from my hand before rummaging around and pulling out earbuds. Afterwards, she sets the bag down before following me out to the hall and back to the living room.

Taking a seat on the couch, I pull her down to sit on my lap so that there's room for Jimin when he gets back and so that nobody's squished while we're there. I notice everyone watching us, the girls worriedly and the guys suspiciously.

"I didn't mean to leave hyung alone at the studio. But Minnie and the new staff member... While they both acted like they got along, I don't think she was very fond of her. At one point Minnie excused herself before pushing past the four girls in front of us and rushing away.

"I did the same, wanting to catch up with her and make sure she was okay. She ended up having an anxiety attack in the parking lot though. Jimin stayed behind and kept talking though, and I wanted to get her back. It's the only reason I left him." I explain with a sigh.

"She looks so tired..." Hyejin comments softly, all of the girls still watching their leader with worry.

Looking down at the girl that I've grown quite fond of, she's leaned back against me with her head turned to the side a bit as she rests it against my chest. I've got one arm wrapped around her waist to make sure she doesn't slip at all. A small smile tugs at my lips, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

I can see what she's talking about though. Her eyelids are still fluttering ever so slightly, suggesting that she's still not quite ready to give into sleep. The look on her face is calm but her exhaustion shows through clear as day.

"I don't remember the last time she looked this tired." Sowon says quietly, a small frown placed on her lips.

"Jungkook, I'm only going to ask you this once. Is there anything going on between  you and Minsae?" Yoongi asks, drawing everyone's attention from the exhaustion on her face.

Looking up at him, I shake my head. He studies my face for a moment before nodding. At that moment, the front door opens and I know it's Jimin.

"I can't believe you left me!" He exclaims as he walks into the living room, giving me a playful glare.

"You can't tell me that you didn't notice how uncomfortable Minnie was with that new girl, Jimin. I had to leave with her." I tell him with a small frown. He looks at me in confusion as he sits down beside me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Jingsah seems like a really great person and it seemed to me that they got along fairly well." He answers. My eyes widen slightly at his response.

"You've got to be joking... Minnie was completely uncomfortable with her being there and it didn't in the slightest seem like they got along." I inform him.

"Where on earth did you pick that idea up from? Minsae seemed perfectly fine with her. They got along, they were clearly friends in school. Besides, Jingsah was respectful and kind and she's really pretty.

"Doesn't really matter much if Minsae likes her or not though. She's going to have to live with it. Jingsah is gonna he staff for both bands. Remember?" He responds. I scoff at him, shaking my head in amazement at his blindness.

"Hyung, you're blind and insane." I tell him. Glancing down at Minnie, she's fast asleep at this point.

"Alright, well it's late. I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight everyone." I say before carefully picking Minnie up and standing. She stirs slightly in my arms before seeing that she's still with me and going back to sleep. Everyone just nods in response and I carry her to my room.

Laying her down in bed, I gently take her earbuds out and turn her music off before going to my bathroom to brush my teeth. Going back into my room after I'm completely ready for bed, I find Yoongi hyung waiting for me. Giving him a confused look, I walk over to where he's sat on my side of the bed.

"You're certain that there's nothing going on between you and Minsae, Jungkook?" He asks, keeping his voice low so as not to wake her up. I nod my head.

"I promise, hyung. We're not dating or anything of the sort." I answer him, keeping my voice low as I look over at her. He's sat in front of me, facing my way while I'm sat at the head of the bed and facing him.

"Do you have feelings for her?" He questions next. It catches me off guard a little bit, but I don't know how to answer the question.

Do I have feelings for her? I mean... I know I've definitely grown quite fond of her. I really missed her while she locked herself away in that room at the studio for the last two and a half weeks.

And there's no denying how beautiful and sweet and smart and hardworking she is. She's adorable and cute and so kind.

I guess it's possible that I may have feelings for her... I can't deny that I'd be jealous and at least a little upset if she were to end up dating either hyung or anyone else for that matter...

"I don't know, hyung. Honestly? I guess I probably do. And if I don't then it'd certainly be possible for those to develop." I answer as truthfully as possible, looking back up at him. He nods in response.

"I think the two of you would make a good couple." He says softly as he looks over at her. My eyes widen at his words.

"Really?" I ask in complete surprise. I can't believe him right now. No way.

"She definitely seems to have taken a liking to you and it's obvious how fond you are of her. You treat her really well, Kookie. You two seem to be a bit happier with each other around. Even if Hoseok doesn't approve of any of you dating her, I would definitely approve of you two being together." He tells me, removing his gaze from her and bringing it back to me.

"Get some sleep, Kookie. I'll see you in the morning." He says with a small smile, patting my leg before getting up and leaving.

Laying down with Minnie by my side and hyungs words still echoing in my head, I know I fall asleep with a smile.

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