Chapter 15

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Liyah eyed the exit for Stark industries before glancing at her family.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Take the exit!" Mia exclaimed.

She nodded before cutting the wheel and taking the exit ramp.

She rolled to a stop in front of the building only to find it partially destroyed. The glass doors shattered and a woman with red hair standing off to the side looking up at the sky.

Her eye narrowed. "Potts!"

Pepper whirled around in surprise. "Aaliyah? What are you doing here? You shouldn-"

"What the hell is going on and why does that red metal thing sound like Tony?" Liyah asked.

Pepper released a long breath. "It is Tony."

Liyah's heart rate fastened. She turned, picking up Pepper's search of the sky for any sign of them. Her eyes caught on a silver speck in the distance growing larger as it fell from the sky. Fell. Her heart raced as she searched for a second, redder spec.

"There!" Letty pointed, just as it dropped onto the roof, hard. She winced as he stumbled before righting himself.

"Tony?" Pepper trilled.

Liyah whipped around as the woman seemed to have a conversation with herself before she noticed her earpiece.

Something hard pressed into her palm and she looked behind her as Letty released a gun into her hand. Shen sent her a nod.

Pepper stumbled into the building and Liyah followed after her, but just as she reached the door she was tugged backward.

"The glass," Dominic warned her.

Liyah frowned, forgetting she wasn't wearing shoes, she met his gaze with a grimace before stepping forward.

She bit back a whimper as the glass cut into her feet, forcing herself to keep moving. Dominic cursed behind her before the sound of shifting glass sounded behind her. She didn't need to look back to know he'd followed her.

They found Pepper by a large glowing machine, pushing up lever after lever.

"What are we doing?" she called.

Pepper glanced over at them before continuing her task "Overloading the reactor."

Liyah's eyes widened as she looked at the glowing core.

"You might want to get out of here," Pepper warned her.

Liyah blew out a breath before she began to help switch anything into it's on position, Dominic quickly joining them.

"That's all of them," Pepper trilled, striding to the console where she hit a few more buttons. "Tony it's ready," She called.

Liyah and Dominic stepped back watching as above them bullets rang out. A few slammed into the glass roof where Tony, half in the suit, stood.

Dom was quick to shield her as the glass shattered around them, tinkling as it hit the floor.

When she looked up Tony was dangling from the support beam in the ceiling by one armored hand. She blinked slowly as she finally understood how he could be inside the contraption.

"You'll die!" Pepper hollered.

"Just do it!" he bellowed.

She looked to Dominic as she pulled out her gun.

"How high do you think you can throw me?" she asked, mentally steeling herself.

Dominic glanced up at the shattered glass above them letting out a resigned sigh, he cupped his hands before crouching.

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