Chapter 13

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It was a Sunday evening when Liyah closed the market for the night, a few bags of groceries for the house in hand as she made her way home.

Too lazy to put them away she dropped them off on the table before going downstairs.

Booting up the Xbox Jarvis sent her a week ago, to expand our gaming options he'd said, she kicked off her shoes before pulling on her headset.

"Jay? What's cookin' good lookin'?"

Jarvis' screen name linked online as he spoke. "You assume I would be good looking? Not that I disagree."

Liyah snorted. "I don't know, you've got an accent so that already puts you at like five."

"I like to assume I'd be a solid ten."

Liyah let out a short laugh. "Thatt'a boy, aim high."

"I hope you don't mind U joining us this evening."

Liyah glanced at the screen as their Halo avatars came into view, she watched as one of the men spun in a circle with his rifle aimed at the ground.

She chuckled. "The more the merrier."

Halfway through the game, her earpiece crackled.

"I seem to be experiencing a problem," Jarvis explained over the line.

Pausing the game, she sat up from her hunched over position. "J? everything okay over there? I've never heard you glitch before."

His next sentence came out distorted, his voice dropping in pitch before raising an octave. "thEre aRe iNntruDers on thEe estAate, I belieEve they aAre attackinG my sySTEM."

Liyah blinked before standing up. "Lockdown the lab if you can and anywhere else you think is necessary, I'm on my way okay? Hang in there."

Looking around her room she changed into darker clothes before grabbing her pistol from her bottom drawer.

Footsteps on the stairs gave her pause, but as she recognized the steps she tucked the gun into her waistband before crouching to pull on a pair of black boots. Mia reached the bottom of the stairs just as she slipped her jacket on.

"Where are you going?"

"Someone's trying to break into Tony's place," Liyah supplied slipping past her to climb the stairs.

"And what? Are you going to stop them," Mia called after her, "Alone?"

"Stop who?" Dominic broke in.

Glancing over she found him and Letty seated at the table. "The person breaking into Tony's place, they triggered an alarm and I'm guessing it might be the same people who took him."

Dominic raised a brow. "An alarm that notified you?"

Liyah sighed as she crossed her arms. "Look, I really don't want to lie to you."

Dominic nodded already pushing away from the table. "We're coming with you."

Liyah shrugged. "Then suit up."

Dominic, Letty, and Mia met her in the living room, all dressed in black.

"Ride or die," Letty said with a nod, holding out her hand.

"Ride or die," Liyah smirked, slapping the girl's upraised palm. "We'll need stealth."

Letty nodded, making her way to the back door. "We'll stop at the garage and pick up one of the Honda's."

"Switch out the plates," Dominic ordered once they arrived.

They made quick work of loading weapons into the car before taking off into the night.

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