Temporary Living Quarters I

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Before I start this chapter I wanna say that I'm so happy that you guys have continued to support me and I love that you were all here for me when all of my relationship stuff fell apart. It's obviously been a while since I've been on this app and updated and I feel like I owe you all an update after almost a year at this point. Everything has gotten better and the same guy and I are literally best friends now and things really couldn't be better. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter :).

Gerard's POV

The shock on their faces when (Y/n) explained everything was priceless to say the least. She didn't mention that pregnancy part of the situation; I can respect that. We don't want everyone to freak out.

"We're going back to code names and we're leaving with Biersack," (K/N) yelled. She stood up and walked back to our shared room.

"Party, what in the ever loving fuck is happening. (K/n) is acting insane and none of us want this fucking twig man with to know where our base is," Fun complained.

"So none of you guys trust him either," Party whispered.

"No we obviously don't and don't avoid my other question. What the hell is wrong with (K/N)?"

"(K/N) is fine," I exclaimed, "She's always been like this. It's a stressful situation for all of us and sometimes we just can't cope well."

"Party you're contradicting yourself. You said that she's fine and then said she's not coping well. We all know something is going on so why make us worry when you can just tell us," Fun raised a question that he thought was clever.

"Look it's none of your business," I spat back at Fun's question.

"Well I got you now because now I know there's something wrong," Fun smirked, "And if you don't tell me, I'll find out myself."

I rolled my eyes and walked into (K/N) and I's room. I need a break from everyone. Why won't Fun just let it go like everybody else? Why does he keep pushing to learn something that's none of his business. I guess he's always been mildly nosy and annoying like that.

I lied back on my uncomfortable mattress and pulled a cigarette from behind my ear and sparked it. That's the only thing that's keeping me sane right now.

(K/N) P.O.V.

While I was explaining the shit show that has become my life to the boys, Fun pulled Party off to the side to talk. I couldn't help but notice that the more Fun talked, the more visibly upset Party became. After a moment Party turned around and walked into our room.

"Can you give me just a second?"

"Yeah of course," Kobra said.

I turned around and made my way into the room. Party was laying on our bed with a lit cigarette between his pointer and his middle finger.

"Hey what did you and Fun talk about out there," I asked sitting down on the end of the bed.

"Nobody knows what's actually going on but they've all noticed that you've been acting different. Fun wants answers really bad and he's kinda hounding me about it," Party frowned, cigarette between his lips, "Should we just tell them?"

"No we absolutely should not tell them," I whispered, "Are you crazy they'd lose their shit."

"They're gonna find out eventually (K/N). You're gonna throw up more and your gonna gain weight and everyone is gonna figure it out."

"Well then we wait for them to figure it out. We can have a few more months of peace and honestly I think we all need a few months of peace. With Andy on our side we're likely to make it out of this shit alive anyways so I think we should all just stay happy and mind our own businesses," I explained, "Just a few months of peace Party."

"They're gonna find out eventually dude," Andy whispered from the ceiling.


"I couldn't help but overhear about your struggles I guess. I like knowing things I shouldn't know."

"Andy get out," Party spoke through clenched teeth.

"Okay whatever you say Party boy," Andy laughed, "You keep being an asshole towards me for no reason. Wouldn't it be a damn shame if everyone knew what you were hiding?"

"I have plenty of reason to hate you. Do you see the shit you've put us through?"

"Wow I really can't wait to tell everyone the big news! You want me to say it's a boy or a girl? You want a cake? I can get you a cake."

"Andy I know that nobody here likes you right now but can we please try to get along," I sighed, "And can you stop being so bipolar. A few minutes ago you were trying to help us and now your trying to hurt us. I'm not going to deal with that."

"Ugh fine anything for you doll. You know I wouldn't tell I'm not that horrible," Andy smiled before disappearing in thin air.

"I really hate that guy," Party groaned, "Is there any way we can live without him helping us?"

"I really don't think so. He knows everything. Whatever side he's on is going to live. He knows everything about us and everything about my parents plans. He's our only way out."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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