Chapter Twenty-Six

Magsimula sa umpisa

Marie smirks but she doesn’t say anything more. I feel bad for Michelle, she was only trying to help the Unknown and Marie. She just didn’t think of the consequences.

Michelle’s eyes flash but she forces a smile back to her face, “Right. I’m going to go check on some other Eekes. I’ll be back in a couple minutes to take you back to your room, okay Claire?”

I nod, even though I’m not sure whether I want to be alone or not with Marie. In my mind I had created an image of what I thought Marie would be like. Intelligent, but humble, mischievous, but kind. I’m now realizing that my thoughts couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Michelle scurries from the room, leaving me alone with Marie.

Marie raises her eyebrows at me, “Why are you talking to me again?”

If I wasn’t stuck in this stupid wheelchair, I’d run from the room. I say, “Well, you contacted me right before you rebelled so…”

Marie snickers, “So you thought that meant I liked you? That you were special? That we could become the best of friends?”

My mouth dangles open. If she didn’t like me, why’d she contact me? It was a mistake to come here.

Marie says, “Just what I thought. I simply noticed you were rebellious and choose to contact you because you were the first person I saw. Don’t flatter yourself.”

All my anger rises up in heat. How can she talk to me like this? She barely knows me. My volume rises a notch as I say, “Listen, I don’t know why you seem to think that you have the right to talk to me like this. I’m in the Unknown because of you. I was caught because of you. I dealt with the Ecru because of you. Don’t act like you’re perfect.”

Marie’s eyebrows fly up before she bursts into laughter, “You liar. You said you were planning to rebel a long time before I did. Don’t try to pin your mistakes on me. If you’re going to lie, at least get your story straight.”

I want to scream the truth at her, but I can’t. I don’t know what is at risk and I won’t take those chances.

I sigh in relief as the door slides open. Charlotte pokes her head in, “Hi, Claire and uh, Marie, is it?”

Marie purses her lips, “Who wants to know?”

Charlotte’s brow wrinkles as she hesitantly says, “Um, me? Charlotte?”

Marie rolls eyes in disdain but keeps her mouth shut.

Charlotte glances back and forth between the two of us before saying to me, “Okay, so is now a good time to go for Mid-day Meal?”

I nod thankfully, “Now is a great time.”

Charlotte begins pushing me out of the room, saying, “Great meeting you, Marie!”

Marie doesn’t even look at Charlotte as she says, “Wish I could say the same.”

Charlotte and I both keep our mouths shut until the door closes behind us. Charlotte says, “Nice friend you have there.”

My words are laced with sarcasm, “She’s lovely, isn’t she?”

Charlotte giggles and chatters all the way to the Eating Hall. She hands me a tray and begins filling it up with food. Just like Morning Meal, there’s a variety of different foods you can add to the Complex basics to make it more delicious. Charlotte gives me a little of everything to try.

We take a table in the back of the almost empty Eating Hall. I begin chewing, every bite tasting better than bland Complex version.

We are halfway through our meal when we once again get the same visitor. Christopher. I inwardly groan as he sits across from us, a fake smile plastered to his face.

Charlotte growls, “Do you purposely try to seek us out? What do you offie want from us?”

Christopher shrugs, “I thought we already went through this. I want to know anything I can use against you.”

Charlotte rolls her eyes as Christopher turns to me. He says in a loud whisper, “There’s something I think you need to know about Charlotte.”

Charlotte says, “Christopher, you said you wouldn’t tell anyone as long as I voted for you.”

 “I thought I’d just tell one person. The election is only in a few days and I thought it’d be a good idea to make sure you knew the threat was real.”

“What do you mean?” Charlotte asks, fear creeping into her voice.

As much as I want to protect Charlotte, a small part of me wants to know what this secret is. What could be so important that the thought of anyone else knowing terrifies her?

“I’m going to tell Claire your secret. You’ll have to convince her not to tell anyone.”

Charlotte seems to relax, “Fine, but only Claire, right?”

“Right. As long as I have your vote, I’m a man of my word.”

Charlotte opens her mouth to disagree, but Christopher turns to me. He says, “I think you should know for your own safety, that Charlotte…”

He takes a dramatic pauses, “…is a spy for the Heads.”

He stares at me, waiting for my response. I only blink at him, I already knew this. Should I pretend to be surprised?

I ask, “How do you know this?”

He grins, “Don’t you understand? I know everything about everyone. I even know your secret.”

274 (Complex Series, #4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon