Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

Marie falls quiet. Did I say the wrong thing? Does she know I’m lying?

I say, “How did you know I was rebellious? What gave it away to you?”

 “Just little things, your body language, your reactions towards different things. I doubt the Officials would have caught on. With that many girls, it’s impossible to evaluate every action.”

Maybe Bridget did catch on though. Maybe she was watching me and discovered exactly what Marie noticed. I make a promise to myself to focus more on how I react to things.

I ask, “How did you hack the holograms?”

Marie worriedly glances to Michelle before carefully saying, “I practiced a lot…”

Michelle breaks into the conversation, “You were able to hack the holograms? How?”

Marie sends a glare to me. Did she not want anyone to know? Why wouldn’t she want people to know? It’s an amazing skill and could be used for good.

Michelle prompts, “Can you really hack holograms?”

Marie hesitates, “Yes, but I wouldn’t be able to explain it to you without a hologram with me.  It’s all very complicated.”

Michelle grins, “I’m going to go tell the Techs. Could you teach someone?”

“I guess?”

Michelle scurries out of the room in excitement.

Marie glares at me, “Why’d you have to do that?”

“I didn’t know that you wanted that skill kept a secret. I’m sorry, but it’s really cool. Think of all the possibilities that it could open up.”

“But what if an Official finds out? I’ll be killed. That’s not the kind of thing you want everyone to know.”

The thought of her being killed because I gave away her secret sends shudders down my spine.

I say, “There aren’t any Officials here. You can openly say anything against the Officials and nobody even reacts.”

 “That’s what my Nurse was saying, but how can that be possible? Why wouldn’t the Heads care?”

I shrug, unsure what to say. I have no idea what the answer is myself. “Maybe it’s too much work to enforce it. It’s easier just to let us say anything we want, as long as we don’t act.”

Michelle returns, adding to what I last said, “And if we can’t escape, we truly can’t act. What’s the harm in words if that is all they are?”

I argue, “But what about the people who did escape?”

Michelle sighs, “Didn’t I tell you not to listen to those rumors? That’s all it is, a rumor. The only way to get into the Unknown is through the Rivie Rooms. There is no way to leave.”

I bite my lip, but don’t say anything more. There’s no point in arguing when I myself don’t know what to believe. But the thought of someone being able to escape fills me with hope. 

Michelle addresses Marie, “I told the Techs and they are going to send someone to talk with you about it tomorrow. Is that okay or do you want me to reschedule it another day?"

Marie says, “No that’s okay. I can show them how, I guess, but I don’t know if it will work here.”

Michelle shrugs, “No loss in trying.”

Marie deadpans, “Of course, unless the system is different and we get caught. That could easily result in our deaths but no loss, right? ”

Michelle’s smile drops. “No, but, I meant...”

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