Can I tell Charlotte about Bridget? Bridget never specifically said not to tell anyone. But, Miranda told me not to discuss too much with anyone or I could die. I can trust Charlotte though, can’t I? She’s my roommate.

She was my roommate. I haven’t seen her for nine years. I only knew the six year version of her. I have no idea how she’s changed. She could be a liar or horrible at keeping secrets. I don’t know if I can trust.

I remember my promise to myself. Trust no one.

 “I took my hair out of my braid in the middle of Free Hour and ran away from Officials.”

Charlotte grins, “That, Rebbie, is offie fabulous.”

“Rebbie? Offie?”.

 “Sorry, Unknown words. Rebbie means friend. It’s like rebel, Rebbie, Reb. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing to be called a Reb. Offie comes from Official, but it doesn’t mean Official. It’s kind-of like the word very or really. It used to be really offensive, but the meaning has loosened over the years. Almost everyone uses it.”

Will I ever use Unknown words? I try out the words on my tongue, but they feel foreign. If this truly was the trap of the Officials, would they go as far as creating dialect for the Unknown?

This couldn’t be a trap. How else would Charlotte, my old roommate from nine years ago be here?

Harry enters the room, looking preoccupied.

He sees Charlotte here and grins, “Hey Charlotte. Claire needs her sleep, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Sure, no problem.” A grin breaks across Charlotte’s face as she says, “By the way, Harry, I’m still waiting on that apology.”

Harry rolls his eyes, “You can keep waiting, Charlotte.”

Charlotte fake pouts as she leaves through the door.

Harry address me, “You’re probably disoriented as to what time it is, but it’s actually after Late Meal. You should get some sleep for your meeting tomorrow with Miranda.”

I shudder slightly at the thought of having to meet with Miranda.

Harry dims the lights and slips out of my room, leaving me alone. The numbness of my limbs pools into my mind. I float away into sleep.


I awake long before anyone comes to check on me. I have no idea what time it is. The floating feeling has disappeared, sharp pain piercing me instead. My head has returned to the repetitive pounding and aching. I can barely think.

Michelle quietly enters my room not long after I wake up. She fiddles with the dials and switches on the wall. The cold, numbness reenters my body, whisking away the pain. I sigh in relief.

I find that I’m no longer strapped down to the cot. I can move my arms and legs freely. They must have decided I wouldn’t harm myself.

Michelle says, “We aren’t going to be able to numb you forever. Hopefully the pain will be gone soon.”

Michelle continues fiddling with dials, moving things to my cot. “We have to adjust all your medical equipment so that’s its mobile. Your meeting with Miranda is going to be in her office.”

She rolls my cot out of the room and into the rest of the Unknown.

 I stare trying to see as much as possible. The first hallway only reveals rows of doors. We exit two fancy pairs of sliding doors labeled Nurses.

Michelle whispers to me, “It’s pretty early in the morning, so there won’t be many people. We’ll take the less used hallways anyway.”

She pushes me rapidly through hallways. I to be stuck lying down, vulnerable. We pass by people, each sending me a pitying look. I don’t need their sympathy. I grind my teeth together but don’t say anything,

Michelle reaches a door and presses a button. The door slides open and she wheels me inside. Miranda calls out, “Claire, lovely to see you.”

I give her my best fake smile.

Michelle quickly leaves after pushing a button on my cot. It causes my cot to fold so I’m sitting upright.

I feel incredibly stupid half-sitting, half-lying feebly on a cot while a dignified Miranda sits behind a cluttered desk.

She smiles at me, “Would you like to meet the person who’s saved your life?”

I hesitantly nod, unsure what to expect.

Miranda calls out, “Piper, you can come in now.”

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