"Minnie, where are you going?" I hear Chae call. I brush it off though as I grab my work bag and shove a few days worth of clothes in it.

"Minnie? Where are you going?" Chae tries again as I stand up and sling the bag over my shoulder. My brothers too busy trying to claim Jungkook a liar to even realize that everyone else's attention has turned to Chae and I.

"Minnie, stop. You're not going anywhere right now." Chae finally says, standing in front of me so that I can't go anywhere. I glare up at her.

"I have work to do." I manage to breathe out shakily. She shakes her head though, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"You're not going anywhere right now, Minnie. You're in no shape for it and we have some things that need to get worked out here with you right now as it is." She tells me. Taking in a deep breathe and struggling greatly to do so, I shake my head again.

"I'm behind on work, Chae. I'm just fine and I'm not staying here with this shit right now. I'm not dealing with this right now." I inform her. She just crosses her arms over her chest though.

"Minnie, you're not in any condition for it right now and you and Hoseok need to sort shit out." She argues. Forcing my breathing under control as I straighten myself up, I give her a glare.

"Chaemin, I have work that I have to get done. I am behind on getting things done and I can't afford to be missing deadlines. Me staying to sort shit out with him isn't going to do any good to anyone or for anything until he's ready to calm the fuck down and decide that actual family is important to him. Until that day, it does no good for me to bother staying and trying to 'sort shit out'." I inform her before stepping around her and leaving.

Walking to the studio today, I have my headphones on just as I do every morning. Thankfully, my breathing has calmed back down, though I feel even more tired than I was before I'd left.

I sigh, shaking my head at myself as I think back to last night. I knew it'd been a risk to stay with Jungkook last night. I just didn't care at that point. I know I was weak and I know I looked like a damned fool probably.

I just couldn't help it. I enjoy his company and I really needed someone last night. Unlike Jimin and Taehyung, he doesn't straightforwardly flirt with me. He at least pretends to care and pretends to worry about me. Not just trying to get me to smile and complimenting me every chance he can.

It was actually fairly comfortable with him last night. Even if it shouldn't have been. I actually did feel safe with him, felt okay with him. Besides, I really just didn't want to be alone after the dream.

Mina POV

I sigh, shaking my head as I hear the door fall shut behind Minnie as she walks out. Turning to my boyfriend, I glare at him before smacking him upside the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" He whines with a frown, rubbing where I'd hit him.

"If she doesn't come home for the next few days, it's your damn fault." I snap at him, shaking my head as I stalk off towards the kitchen to prep breakfast, Jin quickly jumping in to help.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questions with a frown as he makes his way to following me in. Most of the boys take a seat at either the island in the kitchen area or the table in the dining area, all of the girls joining.

"That means she wasn't in a great place to begin with and has been stressed out with work. You being an asshole like that has now almost guaranteed that she won't be coming home for the next few days until someone possibly quite literally drags her back." Chae snaps in response.

"Hoseok, she's your sister. You shouldn't be calling your sister the things that you called her this morning. You know fully well that you would never call any of us what you called her this morning seriously, and you consider us as your brothers. She's actually genuinely your sister. She's the last person you should be saying those things to." Yoongi speaks up from behind us.

"I wouldn't be saying those things if-" He begins.

"No 'if's. I don't care if there's some sort of fight that happened between the two of you before you came here or what the hell happened. You shouldn't be calling her those things. And you certainly shouldn't be treating her like she's twelve. You shouldn't be trying to control her every move when she's got an entire band that's depending on her." Yoongi cuts him off.

"Hoseok, Jungkook wasn't lying. She has been sleeping on the couch since we moved in here. It's not unusual for her to have really nasty nightmares when she gets as overwhelmed and stressed as she currently is.

"I've woken up in the middle of the night before and spotted a light on wherever she's at, finding her either working to calm herself down or just doing work in general. I've had to go lay down with her before, just to calm her down and to get her to sleep. He wasn't lying." Chae says with a sigh as Jin and I finish up with breakfast.

"Look, I don't care what the hell happened between the two of you. Okay? At some point though, you have to stop it. You have to talk it out and work past it. Until you can do that, at the very least quit picking fucking fights with her. It's tiring for all of us to listen to and it kills us having to watch you drain her energy even further than what it's already been drained." I tell him, crossing my arms as I look up at him. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm serious though. I don't fucking want her near any of the boys. I don't want her dating any of them." He responds, his face holding a look of annoyance.

"What's so bad about her dating any of us, anyways, hyung? It's not like any of us would treat her badly or anything." Jimin questions curiously. He turns, glaring at the younger boy.

"I don't want any of you getting mixed up with my sister and that's final. I'm not worried about any of you treating her badly. But I know my sister and I don't want you getting mixed up with her. I know she wouldn't be able to treat any of you right as it is." He answers. I scoff at him, growing tired of this.

"What the hell do you have against her?! She's not a bad person, for fucks sake, Hoseok! Do you even know which sister of yours your talking about anymore? When was the last time you actually bothered to speak to her? Because whatever your remembering of her isn't remotely the person she is." I yell, tossing my hands up in the air in frustration before stalking off to my room.

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