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Your POV
You woke up from your bed and looked around the room remembering Zack's little temper tantrum he had last night, as you looked around the room you saw Zack on the foor, he had his scyth beside him and his hood had fallen down so you could easily see his face, his hair was brushed out of his face and on the floor, he looked a lot different from the angry man you saw a few hours ago. You quickly and quietly stepped out of bed and walked to the door opening it with a small crack of the wood beneath your feet. you walked out of your room and into the hallway, the sun was just above the horizon casting an orange glow into the shack you can now call home. The living room was littered with broken glass, cans, chip bags, and other things, he had really trashed it. Looking at the mess reminded you of when you had met him on floor b6, instead of running you cleaned up his place, you still didn't know why you did that, but you did and everything was okay.....for now.
Like last time you started with the small items, you picked up the broken glass and moved he broken TV outside of the shack, the chip bags you threw away whips the cans and paper being recycled. The other things that were scattered about consisted of pens, pencils, erasers, knifes, and anything else he could have knocked off the counter. The floor was dusty so you walked around trying to find a broom, as you walked into a different room you ran into Zack.
"Morning brat,"
He said as he looked down at you, he had his scyth over his shoulder as he held out a hand to help you up. You great fully took it and felt his bandages between your hands.
" don't have to w-" he stopped you mid sentence
"I know, but I chose to where them......I'm not comfortable yet. Don't tell me what I already know." He said and walked past you into the living room.
"Kid? What's your fascination with cleaning for?"he asked realizing the clean room.
"I hate mess.....and I can't stand it" (*cough* Levi Ackerman much? *cough*)
Zack nodded and looked around, he opened a lot of cabinets and cupboards
"Shit..." He mumbled, you looked over at him with a questioning look.
"Everything okay?" You asked walking over.
"No food, we have to go shopping ......go get dreased...we can buy some stuff for your room." He said calmly, you smiled and nodded walking back to your room and giggling as you saw an outfit that looked like his, the brown jacket, red pants, and everything. You put it on and came out giggling.
"Hey, it fits! I thought it would," he said be for grabbing your wrist and placing his scyth up against the wall. "Wait here....I can't go i to public like this. People know who I am" a few minutes later he returned from his room, he had none of his bandages on and he was wearing a black t-shirt along with blue jeans, and a pair of white sneakers, you smiled and dashed to the door.
"You know, you look really handsome, dress lie, that more often and you might get a girlfriend~" you said giggling and hoping out the door, he stood in the shack a few more second and blushed a little looking down at himself in suprise.
"Handsome? How?" He mumbled to himself before stepping outside with you, you had a crush on him, you knew you did. It felt wrong but a,so right, you still were not side exactly but let's just say the future plays out In your favor~

(Angels of death) Zack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now