Unknown place, unknown people.

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You woke up in a strange room, the Windows were boarded up and there was two chairs in the room, the one you were seated in and the other was tipped over and on the ground by the door. You stood up and held your bag close to you as you walked over to the door, it was made of metal and it looked to be to hard to push open, but you managed and walked into the empty and barren hallway. You couldn't make out why you were here or what this place even was, there were many cameras on the wall all facing the room you had just formally been in. At the end of the hallway there was some writing, but you couldn't read to well so this was of no help to you, there was a room to your right so you pushed open the door and looked inside, there was a small desk, one chair, and atop the desk was a typewriter. You looked around to see if there was anything else but it was only a small square room, the wall paper had been torn off. You jumped and took a step  back as the typewriter started to move and function on its own.
Who are you?
"Umm....Y/N....Y/L/N" you stated, you knew simple sentences and words here and there so you could under stand that, but what it typed next you could not seem to comprehend.
What do you want?
It typed, you tilted your head to the side and stepped back, you didn't know what it was asking so you walked out of the room and shut the door. In front of you was an elevator, the door to it opened with a loud metallic sound. You stepped in and pressed the only button there was on the empty walls of the metal cage, it took you down a floor and you stepped closer to the door waiting to walk out. The same metal noises from the gears in the elevator could be heard as the door opened.
As the door opened, in front of you stood a young man, presumably in his 20s, he had a hood over his head, black hair and bandages wrapped around his skin. He stood there looking at you with his head tilted to the side a little bit, and a scythe held to your neck. You took a step back not really knowing what to do or say seeing as you had no where to run, hide, or even go to.
You tried to look for an exit then he spoke up.
"I'll give you three seconds to run, go and make this interesting," he said, his voice was low but somehow sounded nice yet intimidating at the same time, he held the scythe down and you ran past him and into an ally way.
You tried to look around for a place to hide but you the only thing there was one box and a ton of soda cans so you ran into the building beside of you, there was a small couch and a ton of books, paper, pencils, and soda cans everywhere. Someone was definitely living here.
His voice echoed down the streets as you looked around for somewhere to hide, or to go.
He said louder than the others, you ducked behind the couch and hid there as you could hear things being broken and torn apart from outside, he was laughing the whole time he did so and then it all stoped, everything went quiet.
"Where the hell did she go?" He said, he sounded angry and upset, he walked to the door and paused.
"Are you in here? If so I can give you more time to run, you shouldn't be in here." He said as he walked in and placed his scythe on the ground, he sat on the couch and sighed.
"I guess the bitch found the damed way out..." He growled and laid down, you stayed behind the couch and waited for him to possibly fall asleep, and he did. He didn't look as scary and as blood thirsty as he had a few minutes before, you giggled at that as you poked your head up from behind the couch and watched him. The place was completely trashed and you couldn't believe he lived like this, it made you feel kinda bad for him. You stood up And walked out from behind the couch as you started to pick up all of the empty soda cans, you dumped them in a rubbish bin outside the door, then you walked back in and started with the sink, you tried your best to clean it as much as you could, which was not much but hey at least it looked better than it did.... Kinda.
After you finished your failed attempt with cleaning the sink you walked around and picked up all the empty chip bags, and boxes and other things that you thought were trash and dumped them, when you walked back in you picked up all the unopened chip bags and soda cans and sat them on the counter. You jumped when he rolled over on the couch and you tried to duck back behind it but thankfully he stayed asleep. After a minute of waiting and knowing for sure he was still asleep you walked around the town and found an old and slightly damaged broom,you walked back to his house and started to sweet the floors of the dirt and crumbs.
"What the hell?" You heard  him mumble as he sat up, you were standing beside the door with the broom in hand as you looked over at him. He was looking at the counters with the chips and soda cans you had cleaned up. Then he looked over at you, his scythe you had placed neatly up against the wall, you fake smiled and waved as you pushed more dirt out the door.
"Umm.....what are you doing?" He asked completely dumbfounded as he watched you continue, you only hoped he wouldn't kill you.
"Cleaning," you started the obvious.
"Yah no shit ya cleanin' I'm asking why...." He said, you thought to yourself: you sure do like to swear don't you...
You looked back at Him and smiled, "I felt bad that you were living like this," you said as you walked over and opened your bag to pull out a needle and thread.
"But I'm supposed to kill you.....how stupid are you?" He asked as he moved away from you and walked over to grab his scythe.
"Not stupid, just uneducated and compassionate," you said as you started to sew up the holes, rips and tears in the sofa.
"Uneducated?" He asked you. "Like how?"
"I can't read well.... Or wright," you said looking down a bit ashamed of this information.
"WELP, neither can I, let's get out of this hell hole," he said as he walked out the door his scythe in hand, you looked at him confused but you put your needle and thread in your bag and followed,
"We can get out?" You asked and he rolled his eyes,
"Yah....I think....and your gonna help me, if you don't I'll kill you," he stated the obvious, you nodded and walked with him to an elevator, the door opened and the few of you walked in, you didn't say anything to him. It was quiet.

(Angels of death) Zack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now