Chapter 5: Age Is MORE Than A Number

Start from the beginning

When men go out with younger girls in our society it’s not seen as anything major, in fact my first serious boyfriend was 5 years older than me…but we’ll leave that story for another day, you’ve already had enough entertainment from my life as it is. When you hear that a girl is going out with an older guy depending on the age gap it’s not seen as anything major but the second you hear that a woman is going with someone younger than them, the automatic response is “why can’t she find a man her own age? She’s a cradle snatcher/ Something’s wrong with her/ She’s got daddy issues” they will have you feeling like you’re on some Stella Got Her Groove Back tip when you date someone younger than you.

To cut a long story short and as you probably guessed we still continued to talk. The major reason I gave him the benefit of the doubt was because he was really mature and he had a child so he didn’t have the time to be mucking around being silly because he had a huge responsibility…or so I thought.

Let me first explain how and why he got the nickname “2 Bangs”. I’m one of those people that sleep really lightly when I have guests around.  I’m not a fan of men that twitch in bed, and this man looked like he was having epileptic fits when he was sleeping, this is the second time I was in my fight mode with this boy, because I don’t know what kind of action packed dream he was having but he was bobbing and weaving more than Mohammed Ali. This boy was flopping like a fish out of water and I was scared of Nemo because he was closest to the door so that meant that I could not escape all I could do was pray to Jesus, turn my back to him and I tried to go to bed. 

A few hours later, Nemo was still twitching in bed so much to the fact it woke me out of my sleep, so I woke up in a daze to check whether he was awake and if he was alright plus I’m not going to lie…I found it funny what he was doing it. I had never seen someone twitch as hard as he was, you would have thought he was a back up dancer in Thriller, I moved as close as I could to the wall because he was getting closer to me and I closed my eyes. The next thing I know…… BOOF. This boy had PUNCHED ME IN HIS SLEEP!

I woke up like…what…the…fuck…has just happened to me. I immediately sat up because I can’t believe that this boy had given me a clean left hook whilst he was fast asleep. I was not willing to be sleeping beside some Ike Turner when I should be in a state of peace and slumber I have enough stress during the day as it is. So as I sat there in complete shock as he was snoring away, my rage was real so it’s only natural that I got him back as I knew he was a heavy sleeper so I slapped him on the side of his head and got out the bed. When he finally woke up and I told him that he punched me he was looking me like I was lying, AS IF I COULD MAKE THAT UP, he apologised for hitting me but it was safe to say that was strike one.

Whilst we was dating, he was going through some hard times, so of course you try and support the person that you are with because you want them to be happy, but because of what he was going through we would argue. Sometimes over nothing, but mostly I was frustrated that he would complain about what was happening to him but I didn’t see him do much to change that situation. I’m one of those people who believe if you don’t like something you do everything in your power to change it. But you can’t complain about your life and throw a pity party when you’re sitting on the couch doing nothing about it. My friends and I refer to these types of people as “ain’t shit” men or women. I know it’s not grammatically correct but you know exactly what I mean when I use this term.  Because of my past with Mr. Bad Habit I wasn’t a fan of hearing “shoulda woulda couldas” I wasn’t a huge fan or words I needed action, and 2 Bangs was no action man sometimes.

But let me not make it out like he was all bad, he was one of the sweetest guys I had ever met, he made me laugh, he was romantic and I am a sucker for that.  So every time I thought “I’m done with this ain’t shit man” he would do something to make me feel guilty and I could tell that he really and I mean really liked me. Furthermore I’m not no wicked bitch of the West, I don’t like leaving people when they’re going through bad times because I’m a thick or thin kind of person but within reason. When I was going through certain things myself, he knew how to say the right thing or make me laugh so I appreciated that so it was only right I did the same for him…little did I know that he would really test me when it came to the THICK part of our relationship.

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