Chapter 5: Age Is MORE Than A Number

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When I think about my past relationships (which I don’t like to do because I feel like punching myself in the neck for some of the people I gave my time and effort to) one thing that I’ve realised is that I generally get approached by guys that are younger than myself. Now, I’ve often like to think about why that is the case and mostly I like to tell myself that I perhaps look younger than I am, so therefore these young bucks think I’m the same age as them.  Call it good genes or just a blessing but I can count on my one hand the amount of men that I’ve been in a relationship that were older than me.

I know a lot of you will immediately be thinking “damn Vexy you are a cougar” but I will rebuke such a statement because I don’t actively go looking for someone that is younger than me nor do I pleasure in the fact of being with a younger guy.

Anyway, it has dawned on me that it was exactly this time last year that I ended a relationship with “2 Bangs” now firstly… I didn’t give him this nickname my friend did but I’ll explain to you later why this nickname even came up and why even now it makes me laugh!


I met him when I was a few months out of my relationship with Mr Bad Habit, at that point of my life I still hated all men and wanted nothing to do with them. You’ve all been there when you’ve had a really bad experience you just don’t want the opposite sex anywhere near you because you need time to heal and move on. Besides in general… I don’t like humans…you all get on my nerves sometimes. So on this particular day, I was heading to my mothers and as you do I had my headphones in so I don’t have to hear the annoying loud ass teenagers on the bus, or the one person that’s speaking so loud you can hear their whole conversation. I got off the bus and decided let me quickly pop to the shop to get a few snacks being the thickems I am it’s an important part of my life. So I went to the shop, and I noticed him from the corner of my eye he smiled so I thought let me be nice for one and smile back I was mainly happy because I got me some munchies so it naturally put me in a good mood. I left the shop and started to walk towards my mothers house but what I didn’t know was that 2 Bangs had left the shop and was trying to call me and get my attention. So there I am rhythmically walking with glee with my snacks in my hand in the middle of the night when all of a sudden I see a guy ran and tap my shoulder.


I automatically dropped my snacks and put up my fists ready to fight because when it comes to fear and being in “flight or fight” mode this woman was ready to fight. You can’t run up on someone and not expect them not to have their guard up especially when you live in West London, there are some crazy people out there…I’m just saying. So with my heart racing in the middle of the night after I’ve screamed my lungs off I’m sure the whole STREET heard me, I realised that it was the same guy I had seen in the shop. He picked up all my sweets and apologized because he said he was trying to get my attention since I came out the shop but my music is on full blast so I can block out the world.

Now… this should have been the RED FLAG in fact the GRENADE that showed me that I should not have entertained this man at all, because as we were talking it transpires that he knew my younger brother. It’s not a surprise when people from the local area know my brother it’s not rocket science but the problem was he knew my brother as they went to the same school… even worse they were in the same class. To help you understand my minor heart attack, my brother is 3 years younger than me and to most that might not seem that bad…BUT it doesn’t make you feel great knowing that someone that was doing their GCSE’s with your brother, is trying to get your number.

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