guess who's back

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Molly was busying herself with making as much food as possible as she basically forced food down Draco's throat. This exact same thing had happened when Harry originally came to the burrow. Somehow Harry had become her favourite. By the looks of it, she had a new favourite. At least that's what it looked like to Ron.

Swiftly he made his way to his sister's room.

Ginny was one of the two Weasley children still living at the burrow. The house had seemed much less of what it used to be; lively. Now it had become a reminder of who had temporarily and permanantly left their lives. The only reason Ron hadn't moved in with Hermione yet was because he was worried about his parents. Hermione had the idea of moving into the burrow herself, but Ron had convinced her not to.

"Guess who showed up through the floo in only a towel and a sweater that looked like it was Harry's?" Ron shot out the moment the door was open.

Ginny answered bitterly, "some bimbo Harry saved from an emergency."

Opening his mouth to correct her, he shut it again. Then he furrowed his eyebrow while looking up. "Well you're not wrong," Ron spoke with the same tone he would use when there was a difficult question in potions. "He was saved by Harry from what I understand."

This peaked Ginny's interest. Which confused Ron until she asked, "he?"

"Yes he."

Tilting her head, her attention now fully on Ron and not her letters she'd just received. Those could wait. "Who is it, what happened, and where's Harry?"

"Well I'm not totally sure what happened. He just kinda flew out of the fireplace in a huge panic, and shortly after Harry followed looking like he'd been blown up but acting completely fine. Harry said something along the lines of Karkaroff put a tracking spell on him, and he would get it figured out," Ron summarized what he knew.

Ginny was sitting up straight. "You still haven't answered my other two questions you bloody twit. Where's Harry and who did he save?"

"I dunno, probably at the ministry getting the tracker off. If not then probably the hospital," he finished.

Ginny looked expectingly at Ron for a couple moments before sighing and raising her voice. "Ron you really can't answer two questions at once can you? Who did Harry save this time?"

Not surprised by his sister's outbreak of mild anger, he responded, "you'd never believe it if it weren't for the fact that he came through the floo, and mum forced him into a bath with all your soaps, and he's being fed by mu-," he was interrupted mid word.

"Get to the point Ronald!"

Glaring before continuing, "It was Draco."

Ginny's mouth dropped open. That was when Ron remembered she'd been away for a couple weeks for tryouts with a couple quidditch teams, and trying to get her name out there. It would have most likely been best to explain it from the start.


Surrounded by three healers, Harry lay defeated. Occasionally he'd feel one of the healers penetrate him with magic he was now familiar with. Each "Uncomfortable but necessary," as so many healers had told him in the past.

The setting was the same as always. The room they had saved for him. They'd found it best to always put him in here when he awoke in a different room and nearly injured two people in a panic. There was another occasion like this when he'd had a panic attack in a separate room and the entire room had went on fire.

Familiarity was necessary for Harry Potter. The healers may have realized this, but Harry had not. At this point they had twelve healers who were assigned to Potter if he came in. It was twelve because some days they needed days off, and often there was an emergency holding up one of the others. This way there was an average of two or three able to help him each time.

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