trouble at work, and surprises

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Creeaaakkk, the door made that horrid sound that happened in horror movies.

"Ugh great. We're going to die on this horror mission!" Kevin angrily whispered. He had a terrible week as it was, and being put on a mission with a person who always got the credit was annoying. Like, last time the nurses ran right past him, and barely noticed Kevin. They just left him to hold his large laceration on his arm for a good hour. Wonderful.

Quietly, he moved in.

On the floor sat a little girl crying. He'd been warned about her. Don't comfort, touch or gain her attention in anyway. They hadn't specified why, but it sounded urgent.

Passing by her slowly, Kevin motioned for his partner to follow. So he came.

Don't go near her, they said. We've warned your partner about her too, they said, Kevin thought. Apparently they hadn't. Because the idiot Harry Potter walked on over to her, put his hand on her shoulder, and asked what's wrong. Somehow the idiot didn't see or understand Kevin's mad motioning that this was not a good idea. He was literally swinging his arms around like a maniac trying to get his attention, but no. Kevin was too late.

The little girls long blonde hair wrapped itself around Harry's wrist, and the girl rapidly looked up. At this point they both regretted having disturbed her. Those wide eyes were fully white, with tears of blood coming out. Stiches ran from the edges of her mouth to her mid cheek. The mouth reminded Kevin of 'The Joker' in the movie his muggleborn friend Morris had shown him.

Then an awful screech came out of her painful looking lips.

"Potter, did they tell you to not touch her?" Kevin shouted over the sound.

The terror in Harry's voice when he said, "nope," totally confirmed it. He wasn't just doing it to be an idiot this time.

Harry was lifted into the air as if gravity was disappearing. Kevin started rapidly firing spells he thought might help.

Small bits of red started to stain Harry's clothing. He'd worked hard to keep Harry alive up until now, and he wasn't about to let Harry die this time. Thinking quick, he realized the connection at the moment was the hair.

Kevin had to cut it.

With what though? Searching through the room, he realized they had purposely taken out every single sharp object. Despite this being a sowing room, it had no scissors, nothing to cut the cloth, seriously nothing sharp. A sowing room without sharp objects for cutting was useless, why? No, save the Potter Kevin, he thought to himself.

Then he remembered something back in the hallway. Sprinting, he raced to get it.

He heard a muffled Harry shouting something along the lines of "don't leave me Johnson!"

Then Kevin found the mirror he was looking for and punched it hard. Ignoring the pain, he grabbed a shard and raced back. The red splotches on Harry's clothing had grown, and Kevin, for a moment, thought Harry wouldn't make this one. Then he remembered this was Harry flippin Potter, of course he'd make it.

Slicing the hair, both the horrid screaming stopped, and Harry fell. Kevin grabbed Harry, and attempted to apparate. He found he couldn't. Being rather fit, Kevin grabbed Harry and flung him over his shoulder. Quickly he adjusted to the extra weight and began to go back in the direction they came from.

The girl had started to roll around her neck unnaturally. Jeez, I don't need to watch horror movies with Morris, my life occasionally becomes one with Potter around.

Racing down the hallway, Kevin heard a strange thumping. After taking a quick glance back, he regretted that too. The white eyed girl was shuffling strangely... on the roof. She seemed to be gaining on them.

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