part 6

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Ragini : Laksh I will only help you get back with Swara only if she still loves you , I can't snatch my sister's happiness once again .
Laksh : hmm...
Ragini : I will ask her today itself if she still loves you and if she does.....
Laksh : if she does ???
Ragini : I will do anything to help you both get back together .
Her heart stopped beating while she said those words , but she had as she knew , she would have to be strong and it's going to be tough .

Ragini then leaves the room and goes to swasan's room to meet Swara . All this while Laksh is confused with Ragini's behaviour and goes behind her to check .

Swasan's room

Ragini : Swara I wanted to ask you something .
Swara : hmm.....
Ragini : do you still have feelings for Laksh ????
There was pin drop silence....
Swara : what are you saying Ragini ??!???
Ragini : I won't tell anyone , but it is important for me to know this......
Swara : Ragini , Laksh is just a friend and nothing else......
Ragini : but Swara you loved him
Swara : exactly I ' loved ' him , keyword loved him .
Ragini : Swara if you are saying this , because you are afraid of what I might do , then please don't , if you have feelings for Laksh then please don't hesitate to tell me .
Swara and Laksh both are startled to see this new Ragini . Both of them are dumbstruck by her actions and her words .
Swara : Ragini I don't have feelings for Laksh .
Ragini : Swara just think about it .
Laksh who has been listening to the conversation felt something weird , he didn't feel hurt like he should feel , instead he felt strange , something weird was going on and it was driving him crazy .
Laksh leaves from there and went back to his room , he was confused with what was happening and along with it he was somewhere expecting this .
Ragini enter the room .
Ragini : Laksh I......
Laksh : WHAT !!!????!!!
Ragini : I am sorry
Laksh : huh ???
Ragini : I am really very sorry , it's all my fault , I.....
Laksh : I know
Ragini : huh ????
Laksh : I heard you and Swara talking .
Ragini felt as if someone had taken a dagger and was carving onto her flesh .
Ragini : I hope you are fine.......
Laksh : how can I be ever fine , how ??? You destroyed everything , everything I ever dreamt of .
Ragini : Laksh......
Laksh : just shut up , just shut up . You are the sole reason for my life being a hell . You are responsible for Swara not loving me . You are the reason i......
Before Laksh could complete Ragini had rushed into the washroom , tears were falling from her eyes continuously . She was crying as if there was no tomorrow .
Ragini : it's always my fault , my fault that makes everything bad , I am a bad omen .
Laksh who was outside was frustrated and went out of the room . Ragini was crying and finally she went to sleep in the washroom itself . Laksh came back to his room only in the morning to see his room empty . He was about to call for Ragini when he heard the shower in his room .

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