t h i r t y f o u r

Start from the beginning

her body began to react since the previous session was still fresh, on her skin. she closed her eyes and she could almost feel his lips on hers, his hands all over her body and all of him inside her.

she opened her eyes and realized he was staring at her, standing gracefully close to her desk, supporting his back against the wall.

"maybe you need another session to realized it wasn't a mistake dr. park." he said taking his hands down to his sweatpants.

soon rushed to his side and grabbed his hands to stop him. "no." she made sure to look at him threatening enough, or at least that's what she thought, since he only laughed at her.


she stopped talking when she felt his hands wrapping around her waist and running up to her neck, pushing her body softly but steadily against his.

"no- she started as she tried to fight with him, even though deep inside, having him so close almost made her faint.

everything about his was seductive and exciting. the way he smiled with his full lips, how his long black hair fell preciously on his forehead, how his touch was warm and steady and the smell... the fresh smell of bath gel, plain and simple was definitely something that turned her on.

"please-" she begged for him to let her go. she knew it was wrong but her body was reacting in a different way.

"do not resist dr. park." he said at the time he put his thigh between her legs to spread them open and started grinding against her.

she tried to move away but he quickly held her still, controlling her completely since he was holding the back of her neck, caging her small frame against his hot body.

"you know you like it dr. park, just let it go." his low voice and the warmth of his breath caressed the now exposed skin on her neck. she soon felt his avid lips kissing the crook of her neck, trailing kisses along.

"no—we need to – continue... the therapy- she said between rushed breaths. her eyes closed as she finally held onto his sleeves, moving her body almost involuntarily, catching up with his rhythm.

she could feel his hardened member, grinding against her loose skirt and deep inside, she thanked herself for be wearing a dress that day.

his hands traveled around her arms, sliding the white medical robe down to the floor and then finding her ass cheeks. she felt how he squeezed them and she couldn't help but let out a moan when he slapped one of them.

"hush dr. park – he said between the kiss – we don't want to get caught." he said at the same time he kissed her jaw.

"no- please stop- we need to continue the ther-apy-

"ask me questions here... right now... i'll answer everything... i- i promise." she heard his voice against her ears, small kisses each time he paused to talk.

even thought she felt incredibly ridiculous to be grinding on him and feeling such pleasure, she was dying to know more about him, she had to take this opportunity to ask the questions.

"who are you... tell me- a-about... yourself..." she said looking hungrily for his lips. she felt him smirking against her lips, at the time he squeezed her waist now.

"i am kim inho – he said looking for her eyes – i am 30 years old, i was a business man before coming here. had my own software company – he looked for her neck and soon felt him biting softly. she knew he'd leave marks but it didn't worry her at the time since she knew nobody would notice. kihyun was away and she owned plenty turtlenecks and concealer.

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