Chapter 19

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Cristina turned to see Julian catch up to them, looking extremely frustrated. Mark broke into whatever he was thinking.

"What did she say?" Julian clenched his fists.

"To burn." He walked on ahead, with no intention of explaining. Mark looked flustered.

"Why can't people say what they mean." Cristina sighed.

"I think that is what he meant. The Seelie Queen speaks in riddles."

"Miach." A voice from behind startled them. They all turned to see Mark's aunt, the sister of Mark's late fae mother. She had healed Kieran last time they were here.

"There's a faster way than your portals." She gestured them to follow. They glanced at each other for a moment, and silently agreed. She led them through half marble half vine covered halles of the palace, and into and empty room. It was large though, and made out of marble. But the thing that caught Cristina's eye, was a the large floor length mirror, bordered with gold carvings of angels, fairies and other types of strange creatures. The Faerie stood in front of it, and turned to address them.

"Picture where you want to go, and walk through."

"The hotel," Mark reached toward the mirror, but Cristina pulled him back. Julian understood.

"No, Emma. Picture Emma, and it will take us to her." He turned to the Faerie. "Thank you." She nodded, and watched as Julian disappeared into the glass. She followed, hoping they wouldn't end up in some building on fire, or in the middle of Emma decapitating someone.


"Maybe she made friends with a mummy and decided to stay over. Forever."

"I wish." Jake muttered, scanning the map guide.

"Maybe a statue fell on her and she got decapitated?" Emma scanned their surroundings.

"I thought you wanted that job?"

"I'll push a statue on her." Jake rolled his eyes.

"Back to the topic, so you can kill her earlier--wait actually you can't." Emma whipped around.

"WHAT?" Jake looked uncomfortable. "I have a plan to get rid of the book."

"I thought we were following MY evil plan."

"Well this evil plan doesn't include the Seelie queen or your parabatai."

"Sounds good, what is it?" He bit his lip. "I'll start with....the acorns."


Julian found himself face to face with a giant dinosaur. The place, fortunately wasn't crowded, so not many people saw them appear out of nowhere.

"Why is this poor creature's bones stacked up here?" Mark stared at the dinosaur, horrified.

"It's just..." Cristina sighed, giving up on explaining life to Mark.

"Where is she--"

"WHAT?" They all turned at the sound of a familiar voice. Emma, red hair and all, was gaping at her dark haired companion, who was utterly failing at shushing her. She turned abruptly as if sensing him. He had already applied the potion the Queen had given him. But obviously she hadn't. The second she met his eyes, she doubled over in pain. Great, she literally couldn't stand him. And then to his horror, something dribbled from her mouth. Blood. He was killing her. Her companion's cold calculating eyes met his, unreadable, as he held Emma up. The entrance hall was empty, at this hour in the morning. She rasped something, pulling away. He stopped for a minute, and threw her something, which she caught expertly, even in agonizing pain. She nodded, and fell over, grabbing Cortana. The boy took off, glancing at her over his shoulder. Something dark bubbled up inside him. Cristina and Mark were trying to hold Emma down. But still she fought. Her chest was heaving, as she gasped in pain, coughing up blood, but with a death grip on Cortana. He swiftly drew the glass  bottle from his pocket, kneeling down beside her. His hand warmed as he rubbed the ointment on skin, soft but scarred. Her breathing calmed. Then it hitched. He should of known. She lunged into a standing position, Cortana gleaming in her hand. Cristina and Mark froze, their hands stuttering over their weapons. They couldn't attack her, he knew. The question was, could he? He seized his sword. The craving for Emma made his decision. He seized his sword. Her eyes narrowed. But he could see a hint of...surprise. Then she curled her lip. Come and get it.

Air and Darkness: A Blackstairs fan fiction, Fan made third bookWhere stories live. Discover now