Chapter 10

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Cristina stepped out of the cool, air conditioned department store, into the dusty streets. The sky was now a deep violet, and the city lights illuminated the streets. A cool breeze reached her bare arms, and she suddenly wished for slightly warmer clothes. She finally spotted Julian, who looked lost. And then she realized the empty space beside him, where his blonde hurricane of a parabatai should of been. A chill went down her spine, what had Emma done now? She quickly hurried through the crowd, the smell of alcohol wafted over to her. The streets of Los Angeles were not a place to be at night, though Emma could probably take down 5 demons at once, she still was worried.

"Julian?" Julian looked over at her, and something like confusion went through his face.

"Wasn't Emma with you?" He asked. She stared at him blankly. He cursed under his breath.

"Oh there you are Tina! I've been looking all over for you!" Emma stumbled over to them, from the total opposite direction of the department. Julian had caught that too.

"Emma," She groaned. "You're worse at lying than Tavvy." And for the first time, she looked very uncomfortable. Which maybe was because of the heavy leather jacket on her shoulders and the baseball cap in an odd angle on her head. Julian's voice was ice cold.

"Emma, whose jacket is that?"

Air and Darkness: A Blackstairs fan fiction, Fan made third bookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum