If I could help

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Heeeeellllllooooooo everybody!! It's me again with a brand new chapter, like always.

Just want to say, I'm grateful to all those who are reading. Please continue to do so, your reads are much appreciated.

Now....... Story start!!!!!

The night was quiet, but not unseen. A shadow stood across from an apartment building, smiling evilly with wicked thoughts.

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Ken was sitting at thr dinner table with his parents, enjoying a delicious meal.

"So Ken how was soccer?" His mother asked, Ken looked a little uneasy.

"I did okay mom." He replied.

"Would you like some more rice?" She asked. Ken looked down, trying to think of his response.

"It's important to eat well, for your brain and body," his father said with a mouth full of food, "You may not notice, but you're growing all the time."

Ken smiled slightly and passed his bowl towards his mother, "Can I have another half a bowl please?" He asked shyly.

His mother was happy to serve him. Ken was happy to see his parents happy again, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happy soon.

After dinner, he walked into his room and let out a sigh, grabbing the attention of his digimon on the bed.

"What's the matter Ken?" Minomon asked.

"I ate a little more than normal, because my parents seemed concerned," he replied, "They looked so happy, I might need to eat like this more often."

"Uh oh," Minomon said, "If that's the case, then there's only one thing to do."

Suddenly, Minomon started jumping up and down, "Jumping Jacks! Come on Ken! Feel the burn! Crunch those abs!"

Ken started laughing at his partner's actions.

"You're buff enough, time to get some sleep." Ken said between laughs. He changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed.

Later that night, Ken woke up to the sounds of the beeping computer. He looked over towards his desk amd saw a tall woman in front of the computer.

"Hey who are?!" He yelled, waking his digimon partner.

The woman smiled, "Emperor, are you sleeping well? Well no matter, you're through."

Ken's eyes widened, "Who are you?"

"You were so useless!" The woman said with venom.

Ken you had such promise to rule the digital world, but you had to throw it all away. How disappointing. A dark voice said.

The woman vanished, the computer still on.

"I-is she gone?" Minomon asked.

"I hope so." Ken wished. Little did he know that across town, Daisuke was getting a visitor as well.

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Daisuke sat on the edge of her bed, she should've been asleep hours ago, but something told her to stay up.

Suddenly, her comouter turned on, and two people came from the screen. One was the same woman from Ken's room, the other was the strange boy in the cloak.

"I see," Daisuke said quietly, careful not to wake Demiveemon, "So, Chernobogmon decided to send you two." She turned towards the two.

"What do you want?"

Daisuke- the digimon princessWhere stories live. Discover now