The Emperor's new home, and a shocking fact.

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Heeeeellllooooo everyone, welcome back to my story.

I hope all of those reading are enjoying it so far. More will come and they'll be better each time.

Please vote on the pairing, read and comment.

Now....... Onto the chapter.

Story......... Begin=====

Wormmon was standing in the halls, when he saw the emperor, now revealed to be boy genius Ken Ichijouji, stomped in his direction.

"Oh no," the little digimon said to himself, "the emperor looks mad. Ever since yesterday he's been in a foul mood. Maybe I can cheer him up."

As Ken got closer, Wormmon climbed onto his foot. He tried to cheer up his master by telling a joke, but Ken kicked him aside.

Ken walked to his control room and watched the different parts of the digital world.

Wormmon kept trying to get a reply, but all of Ken's focus was on a news broadcast from the real world.

"Join us as we talk with boy genius Ken Ichijouji." The reporter said. The camera turned towards Ken who smiled at then.

Ken answered the reporters questions, "Are you always studying?" She asked, "Most boy geniuses do," Ken replied, "But I'm more into playing soccer."

The reporter laughed at his statement, but then, one question got the viewers gasping in surprise.

"Are you still single, or have you found that perfect someone?" The reporter expected a no from the boy genius, but was so wrong.

"Actually," Ken started, "I'm currently in a relationship with a girl named Leila. She's a smart and beautiful girl, although she is quite shy and doesn't like attention."

Ken smiled at himself for revealing his empress' name on television. The Emperor was in deep thought for a few minutes, until he abruptly stood from his chair and started typing.

Wormmon was worried about his master's behavior, but decided to stay quiet. A screen to Ken's right showed his Empress Leila, sleeping soundly in her room.

But as he watched her, his hatred for the digidestined grew and a plan was being made to get revenge.

Line break==========

After school, the gang of digidestined, except for Yolei, were discussing the reveal of the emperor's identity.

"Ken is the digimon emperor?" Izzy asked in slight shock

"Yeah," Jun said, "That boy is not only a genius, he's a super evil genius."

Everyone was still shocked at the news, "Why would a talented boy like Ken, want to ise his gifts to do such horrible things." Cody said.

"I had my suspicions about the kid," Jun said, "he had a cold look in his eyes. Even when he looked happy, i could feel something dark inside him."

"But how can that be?" Kari asked Jun, "Ken seemed so nice."

Everyone was marveling over the fact that a kid their age, was someone so evil.

Izzy suggested that they find him in the real world, that way he wouldn't have the advantage to attack.

Suddenly Yolei opened the door, apologizing for her lateness. But she smiled as she held up a grocery bag full of snacks.

The digimon ran towards the bag dug in. Poromon was embarrased and stayed behind, but even he couldn't resist and joined in the feast of sweets.

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