The Captive digimon and Princess

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Heeeellllloooo everybody! I'm back with another new chapter.

For all those reading so far, thank you for doimg so.

Remeber to like and vote for the pairing. Now......onto the story.

Story.......... Start!

In a dark room, Leila lay on her bed, another ring placed on her finger. But her sleep was anything but peaceful.

Her dreams were fikled with darkness and strange feelings of fear and horror were in them.

Dream* Leila's POV

I awoke to a dark room. The room was empty, save for a chair and a door. I sat in the chair, thinking that nothing would be wrong if I sat for a while.

Little did i know that it would be the greatest mistake of my life.

As soon as i sat down, chains encircled me, keeping me seated. I tried to break free, but the chains were too strong.

You can't escape princess. A voice called to me from the darkness.

I will have my rightful place as ruler of the digital world...... AND NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY!!!!

I was terrified of the voice, suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of me, its glowing red staring deep into my soul.

It smiled and flew right into my heart. The pain was immense. I screamed with everything I had. That's all I could remember.

Dream end* Leila POV end

Leila shot out of bed and wiped her brow of sweat. Little did she know, that Jun Motomiya had the same dream, only this time, Kiseki waa the one in the chair.

Line break===========

The next day, rain was pouring down on the school, Tai stares at the window, hoping to get agumon back from the clutches of the digimon emperor.

A few mintues later the final bell rung, and the digidestined ran to the conputer lab.

Jun, Kari and Tk ran to the computer lab, late.

"You guys are late," Tai said, "what happened?"

"Sorry Tai, it was my fault," Jun apologized, "Kari and Tk went to get me at school and I was in deep thought. I didn't hear until five minutes later."

Izzy, Tai and Cody were shocked. In the time they knew Jun she had never been in such deep thoughts. Then again, Kiseki was in deep thought a couple days before she disappeared.

They finally noticed Yolei wasnt there a couple seconds later.

"She was ckeaning her glasses last time I saw her." Izzy said. Tai waa impatient and yelled that they should find her so they could leave.

Jun and Cody ran out to find Yolei, but as they ran outside, the girl was standing outside the door.

"Yolei there you are!" Cody yelled, "Hey how'ya doing?" She replied in a depressed tone.

She walked into the room and showed everyone her depressed face. Tai didn't make it any better when he told her that they were waiting for her.

Jun noticed her depression and placed a hand on her shoulder, "What's the matter Yolei?" She asked the girl.

Poromon asked if she was okay, but Yolei replied that she decided not to go to the digital world today.

Of course the other digimon begged her to go with them, even Vivimon asked her come along too.

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